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“You had a concussion?” Eli asked as he reached for me next. His gaze rapidly scanned what he could see of my body, cataloging for possible injuries. His hair was beyond mused, as if he’d run his hands through it a million times, and his warm, amber eyes were tired behind his black-rimmed glasses, the corners pinched with worry lines. He looked like hell.

I empathized, sure I appeared the same.

“I did.” I rubbed my forehead, my fingers skimming over my own wicked scab hidden just beyond my hairline. “But I’m okay now.”

Eli’s palms hovered over my body, and he skimmed them along my arms, noting every scab and scratch before he captured my hands in his. “I’ll be the judge of that. I’m dying to give you a full exam, Love. I need to make sure you’re alright, for my own sanity.”

“Okay, but Eli?”

“Hmm?” He was distracted, his eyes wild as he continued his visual assessment of any bodily harm I’d incurred.

“Kiss her, you idiot,” Hades grunted, pressing closer to me. His heat licked along my back, sending a delicious shiver of warmth down my spine. “Some of us are dying to steal her from you.”

Eli gazed toward my giant mate, and he narrowed his eyes. I snickered, and Eli had the decency to smirk when his attention slid to me once more. “You think that’s funny?”

“Mmhmm,” I hummed, reaching for my doctor and pulling him by the collar of his rumpled button-down. I drew him to me and arched into his body as I sealed my mouth to his. It only took him a nanosecond before he melted into me. We were wrapped around each other like twisting ivy. There was so much desperation behind the way he nipped and sucked on my lips that I was left breathless as he reassured himself I was okay with every graze of his tongue. When we finally parted, I sucked in a breath, losing myself all over again in the fire burning in his amber eyes. “I was miserable without you, and I’m finally happy again,” I whispered.

“Baby—” Hades rasped, as though that one little statement had upended his world.

“Us too, Love. You have no idea how lost I’ve been. Not knowing if you were okay. If you were hurt—” Eli swallowed as renewed panic dampened that earlier fire.

I took his hand and pressed it to my cheek, nuzzling into his palm. “I’m all right.”

“I think we’re all going to need reassurance of that for a while, Honey. We’ve been—” Leo swallowed. “We’ve been a fucking mess.”

Eli reluctantly released me so I could jump into Leo’s arms. He caught me easily, gripping my ass and holding me close. I couldn’t get my legs around his waist because of the chafing lace dress, and I growled in frustration, planning to burn this thing to charred ash the second I could take it off. There would be so much satisfaction in seeing it go up in flames.

Slowly, he lowered me down his body until my heels were touching the ground. Every hard inch of him teased me along the way, my body singing for the sculpted lines of his.

Hades moved to my back, wrapping my hair around his fist and tugging gently until I’d craned my neck to gaze up at him over my shoulder. Pure need and possession dominated his features.

“You better get used to having a bodyguard, Baby Girl, because I’m gonna be stuck to your pretty ass like glue from now on.”

“If you were expecting to hear any complaints from me, you’re not going to get any.”

“Good,” he growled and then leaned down and brutalized my mouth in the most toe-curling kiss. It wasn’t just a meeting of our mouths, it was a claim that told the world exactly who I belonged to. I was a panting mess when he finally let me come up for air. “Now kiss my best friend, Baby, and show him just how much you missed him too.”

Leo groaned. “Why is that so damn sexy?”

Hades grinned wickedly as he used his fist in my hair to direct my attention back to Leo. This wasn’t the time or the place, but my core fluttered nonetheless. There was something about being told what to do in a loving yet dominant way that justdidit for me.

“Come here, Honey, and let me taste you so I know once and for all you’re not a dream.”

Leo brought one hand to my chin and tilted my head for his descent, and then I lost myself in the fantasy of being pressed between two men. I arched between them as Leo explored every inch of my mouth, not pulling free until he’d sufficiently staked his own claim.

During our time apart, I’d nearly forgotten how overwhelming it was to be loved by all of them. They made me feel wanted and desired, cherished and safe.

“That was quite the reunion,” Lawson rumbled from where he waited patiently near their SUV.

Shit.I’d almost forgotten about them and I didn’t know what to make of their patience while I reunited with my mates.

Tension stole through Jamison’s shoulders, and he straightened. “Just a minute,” he grumbled. “Come here, Little One.”

All my men stood close, forming a circle with me at the center. It took me a moment to realize it was because they were blocking the sight of me from the other pack. Jamison’s fingers made quick work of his button-down. Ripping it off, he settled it over my shoulders, letting Knox pick up the task of pulling the sides closed. He buttoned it up, covering the sheer dress and saving what little modesty I had left. I’d been practically naked in front of so many eyes today it barely phased me, but I knew when my head stopped buzzing and the effect of the drugs fully wore off, I’d be more embarrassed. Right now, I was virtually high off the scent of my mates and the euphoria of being back in their arms.

I lifted the shirt to my nose, loving the blend of Jamison’s signature mixing with the others. They wrapped around me like a hug while someone smoothed a hand over my hair and Knox held me close. None of them were able to stop touching me. I understood because I felt theexactsame way about them.

Deciding I was modest enough, Jamison turned to face my ‘kidnappers’ and I couldn’t help but notice the sickly yellow bruises covering his left arm. My stomach flipped every time I noted another of their injuries, and I had a feeling there were quite a few more that weren’t as visible. Just as Eli wanted to examine me, I wanted to run my hands over each one of them to ensure they were really okay. But I couldn’t do that until we’d settled matters with the Jacobs pack.
