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I smirked, enjoying seeing her flustered and blushing.

“Sorry,” she apologized to the other girls sheepishly.

“Puh-lease.” Julia waved dismissively. “If I had a pack, I’d be sucking face too. In fact, I wouldn’t have even left the bedroom. I don’t know how you pried yourself away to hang out with us instead. Maybe your sexy doctor should examine your head again, just to make sure you didn’t do any permanent damage.”

Well, that was one packless Omega, and I had no doubt the eavesdropping fuckers in the other room heard every word.

“This is your Beta, right?” Adeline smirked conspiratorially and Demi straight up laughed.

I was pretty damn sure I was missing something, but I didn’t shy away.

Still holding onto Demi, because I wasn’t about to let her go voluntarily, I offered my hand to Julia and then Adeline. “The one and only. I’m Leo. Nice to officially meet you.”

“Andhe’s sweet? Damn,” Adeline sighed dramatically. “Some girls get all the good fortune.”

“Don’t give up, remember?” Demi scolded lightly.

Adeline nodded, but there was no spark of hope behind it. I noticed, and I was sure the rapt audience in the other room did as well.

And there’s confirmation of the second.Adeline was definitely available, too. Plot twist. This could create potential complications.

I eased away from Demi and shoved a hand through my messy brown hair. I hadn’t taken time to get it cut recently. It curled wildly around my ears and fell across my forehead if I didn’t brush it back.

Clearing my throat, I did what I’d been sent to do. “We were hoping you all would sit down with us and have a chat.”

Demi looked from one girl to the other. The other two Omegas exchanged wary glances, almost nervous to join us in the living room where the others’ conversation had died to embers.

“You can trust them,” my mate promised.

“Alright,” Julia agreed, then Adeline. They clasped hands and followed us.

The kitchen opened into the living room. A TV sat on the far wall, and three large couches occupied the room, forming a U shape that offered plenty of seating, all within view of the screen. On either side of the TV, in opposite corners, sat two reclining chairs with wooden arms and sea-green nautical upholstery that fit the theme of the house. They faced toward the couches, and Lawson was seated in one. Enoch leaned on the wall beside him while Slade lounged in the chair as though he owned it. Ronan took a spot on the floor beside him, his back to the wall and one arm braced against his bent knee. Felix, the quiet one who hadn’t spoken a word since he got here, leaned nearby with his arms crossed.

Our pack took up the two couches that faced each other, with Demi settling between Jamison and Thane while Eli and Knox made themselves comfortable on the other. Hades opted to stand behind Demi like her bodyguard while he gently played with the ends of her hair. I took the spot in front of her, content to sit on the floor just to stay close.

Julia and Adeline settled close together on the last remaining couch, as far away from the Alphas as they could get and still remain in the room.

“I know you don’t know us well,” Jamison started, addressing the two women. “But you’re safe here and among friends. Our original goal was to get Demi back from Pack Silver, but once we learned the scoop of what they were planning with the auction, we immediately knew we wanted to save as many of the Omegas as we could. We’d hoped to get more than the three of you out, but unfortunately, Anton had fail-safes in place for emergencies. The Omegas backstage were gone before we could reach them.”

“I’m pretty sure there were nine of us.” Julia’s forehead wrinkled as she recounted the day. “That’s how many cages I counted when I woke up.”

“That’s how many I counted too,” Demi added.

I half expected Jamison to make another growly comment at the mention of cages. That they’d caged Demi made him see red. Hell, it made all of us see red.

Instead, he kept his cool, swallowed down his anger, and simply nodded, sharing a look with the other pack leader. “That’s what Lawson saw on the sales docket as well.”

Lawson leaned forward, bracing his arms on his knees and folding his hands. “They had a catalog with details on each woman—no names, of course, but identifying information on your looks, your medical record, your age.”

Adeline sucked in a sharp breath, flushing. “First, that’s sickening. Second, where did they get ourmedical records?”

“My guess?” Julia crossed her arms and legs, looking pissed. “They stole our information from the OMA. If they could take us so easily, official records would be a piece of fucking cake.”

“Were you both with the OMA?” Ronan asked, suddenly more alert.

Julia nodded. “But in different locations.”

“So nothing can be traced back to a particular office.”
