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“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” She eyed the waiting car. “Mr. Hurst has been very accommodating. I know he’d extend the same courtesy to you and your pack.”

Did I want to meet with the director of the OMA, fix my status as an Omega, and officially choose my pack? Truthfully, yes. I did. But after the hesitation I’d sensed in my men the other night, I wasn’t sure if it was the right decision.

After my heat, they’d been intent on claiming me. But then the accident and subsequent kidnapping happened and now all I felt from them was uncertainty. Had they changed their minds? We hadn’t had enough alone time to really get into that conversation. And honestly? I was scared.

What if they didn’t want to officially claim me anymore? A huge part of my heart rebelled at the notion, promising that could never be true. But the doubt? The doubt consumed me like an untamed wildfire, burning up all my good intentions and leaving scorched earth behind.

Anton’s voice taunted me.You’re nothing more than a whore willing to spread her legs for any scum with a knot.

You were fun while you lasted, little sparrow.This time, it was Reed’s condescending jeer that stabbed at me.

I wasn’t good enough.

I was spoiled goods.

I wasn’t worth the trouble.

My mind conjured up all kinds of self-reproach.

“Since our first attempt to go to the OMA turned out so spectacularly, I think we just need more time to figure out what we want,” I admitted, hoping that was the extent of my pack’s uneasiness.

Adeline must have seen the question in my expression, because she took my hand and squeezed reassuringly. “Those men are crazy about you. Don’t doubt them. They’re probably just scared. And hell, I understand why. I’m scared too. For all of us. But we can’t find our ‘happily ever afters’ without taking a leap of faith.” She pressed a folded piece of paper into my palm. “We deserve to put this all behind us and find happiness. Promise me you’ll go after what you want.”

Tears swam in my vision, and I nodded. “As long as you do the same.”

She blew out a breath and cut her gaze toward the waiting vehicle. “Believe me, I’m being as brave as I can possibly be. I’m not a social butterfly like Julia. It takes serious effort for me to be around people, and I don’t trust easily. But all of this will be worth it if I find my pack.”

“You will,” I promised, having a good feeling about her future even if I was uncertain of my own.

Nodding toward my mates, who were giving us the space to say our goodbyes, she said, “Those men you have are a gift. Trust that they only have your best interests at heart.”

I let her words bolster me, let them chase away some of the fear that had slithered in earlier.

Julia appeared out of nowhere and slung her arm over my shoulder. “But know you might have to give them a swift kick in the ass to get them moving in the right direction.”

Adeline smiled and the tension in me broke as a laugh bubbled up. “Is that all?”

“Eh. Men rarely know what’s good for ‘em.” Julia smirked before growing more serious. “That pack is head over heels for you, but I think they’re too afraid to let you out of their sight again, so they’re hesitant to go to the OMA.”

I sighed. “I know, but we can’t move forward without taking a risk. Adeline’s right. I don’t want to hide forever.”

“Then you need to tell them that,” Adeline intoned softly.

Julia moved to Addy’s side, and they faced me together, like this was an intervention. “This is your life, Demi. Others have meddled in it for too long. Find your backbone, girl, and stand up for what you want.”

Adeline nodded sagely. “Believe it or not, you’re in charge of your future.”

Their words echoed in the back of my mind as I watched them leave.

Adeline slid into the SUV with Pack Jacobs, who shook hands and slapped backs with my pack, making us promise to call if we needed any further help, before heading out.

Julia’s family had pulled up in a line of sleek black town cars. Five older gentlemen poured out of one vehicle while four younger versions stepped from another, all dressed in impeccable suits. They looked like distinguished businessmen, and if it weren’t for subtle hints, such as the gold rings each of her fathers’ wore or the split knuckles her brothers’ sported, I would never have known they were dangerously respected leaders in the organized crime world.

She ran to them, letting them engulf her in hugs, kisses, and fast flowing Italian. When their reunion was over, one of the older men broke from the pack and escorted Julia back to us.

“Papa, I want to introduce you to Demi.”

“My dear.” He held out his hand, and I tentatively placed mine atop his.
