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The tremble of her bottom lip was straight up unfair. Narrowing my eyes, I countered, “You know the water’s gonna be fucking freezing, right?”

“So?” She shrugged. “It’ll be fun.”

Fun?I could think of far better uses for our time, but I couldn’t deny her. The way her eyes sparkled with hope. The way her cheeks turned pink from the wind. The way her hair danced wild and free around her shoulders.

She was a temptress.

A godsdamn siren.

This was going to be a problem, because I’d never say no to her.

With a grumble, I relented. “Fine. But then you’ll tell me what’s wrong.” It wasn’t a question, but a demand. A bargain. A compromise.

A victorious little grin curved her bow-shaped lips, and my heart damn near squeezed out of my chest. Seeing her happy lit my whole world on fire. In the best way. Making Demi smile like that had become my entire reason for living.

Like the whipped Alpha I was, I let her lead me…

It wasn’t long before we were picking our way down a sharp set of stairs that had been carved out of the cliff side. They led down to a rocky beach, the pebbles smooth from the constant barrage of waves. The chill of the wind cut straight through us, but my little slip of a mate didn’t seem to notice or care that she was shivering or that goosebumps coated her skin.

Going ahead of her to make sure she didn’t slip or fall, I turned when I got to the bottom and easily picked her up. Pivoting, I let her slide down my body slowly as I deposited her safely on the rocky shoreline.

Chin tipped upward, arms around my waist, she smiled coyly at me. “Are you coming in with me?”

My thumbs slipped under the soft material of her shirt to rub along her sides. “Not a chance. But I’ll be your own personal lifeguard.”

There went that damn lip again. It jutted out, taunting me, tempting me to lean down and bite it. Then steal a kiss. Or maybe ten.


I made her work for it, begging and pouting and pleading with me to move my stubborn ass into the water with her. Choppy waves crashed against the rocks, frothing and foaming, leaving small pools in their wake as she pulled on my arm. I didn’t budge, but her efforts were endearing.

Making a production of hemming and hawing, I put on a good show until finally surrendering.

“Fine, fine,” I sighed, appearing totally put out, but on the inside, I was smirking.

Demi gave an ecstatic little yelp of delight, and a bright smile blossomed on her delicate face. She shimmied in a triumphant dance that made me groan from the way her luscious curves brushed against the muscled line of my body.

I had the sneaking suspicion she knewexactlywhat she was doing to me.

Godsdamn, my dick couldn’t get a break. I’d barely gotten rid of my last erection and here I was again, steely hard and nearly dripping. My balls ached, and the need to sink knot deep into my beautiful mate was difficult to ignore.

Gathering the threads of self control, I smothered the desire to throw her over my shoulder and carry her back to my bed. I’d behave—for now.

The only reason I leashed the craving for my Omega was because I was having too much fun seeing her smiling and playful. Light had re-entered her eyes, chasing away the shadows.

Call me a selfish bastard, but I wanted both—her happiness and her pleasure.

Right now, we’d enjoy the brisk temperature and the ocean, but I had every intention of making good on my earlier fantasies. When this was over, I’d drag her pretty ass back inside and warm her up. With my tongue. My hands. My—

“Are you coming?”

Not yet, I wasn’t. But soon, I hoped. Really fucking soon.


