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She could takeme.

As soon as Leo released her, I had her across the hot tub and straddling my thighs, sinking over my cock like a warm, wet present. Pussy slick with my friend’s cum, she stretched to take my girth. I swallowed back curses, trying to think of something—anything—to keep from going off like a shot.

Demi was the only woman who could make me feel like a crazed Alpha in the throes of his first rut. Planting my feet, I thrust upward to meet her downstroke, colliding in blissful agony. My balls slapped her ass, my knot beginning to inflate. Her inner walls squeezed me so damn tight, I thought I might die and go to heaven.

Hands gripping her narrow waist, I lifted her and dropped her over me, setting a pace that had us both gasping and groaning. Her nails scratched down my chest, making me moan as she left little red trails in her wake.

Fuck yes, Darling. Mark me as yours.

“Thane! Oh gods, you make me feel so good.”

My hips stuttered on my next thrust, jerking from the sheer pleasure of her praise.

She remembered.

I fucked her with the force of a hurricane, and a deep ache throbbed to life in my knot. I wanted to impale her on it and never fucking leave her addictive pussy. Every cell in my body channeled fire and lust.

“So big, so hard. Gods, I love the way you fuck me. More, please! I need all of you!”

I drowned in the scent of honey, sugared berries, and spice. Her hips arched, and I took her ass in my hands, kneading the supple flesh. Hard, erect points, her nipples grazed my chest, adding extra sensation I hoped helped her spiral higher.

She was close. I could feel it in the way her walls fluttered around my cock, see it in the way her eyes widened.

“That’s it, Darling. Come for me,” I grunted.

I slammed her hips down, stretching her over my knot, buried to the hilt. The exquisite squeeze sent lightning zipping down my spine while my balls drew tight, ready to explode. It was impossible to hold back. With a roar, I let loose, filling her with jet after endless jet until spots danced in my eyes.

Demi’s head dropped back on a scream, grinding down on my cock and finding her own release. Her pussy fluttered wildly, milking me for everything I was worth.

“Fuck,” Leo rasped, watching Demi shudder and writhe.

“Godsdamn, Darling” I panted, clutching her limp form to my chest. “I’ve missed you so damn much. You’re a goddess, and I think I just had a fuckin’ aneurysm. We should make this a nightly ritual.”

“As long as I don’t have to sing first.”

I smirked, knowing I’d never agree to such ridiculous terms. “I make no promises.”

Her laughter floating on the night breeze was the best thing I’d ever heard—almost as sweet as her singing.



It had beentwo days since Jamison and Knox had left, and I was going out of my mind with worry. The problem was, so were my other mates. They tried their best to put on a brave face, but the tension in the house was palpable. Until we were all together again and had some word on the Anton situation, we wouldn’t be able to relax.

Grabbing the cup of coffee I’d just made, I stirred in cream and sugar. The heat warmed my hands through the ceramic as I added it to the tray that already held four other cups, along with a variety of biscotti Thane had baked earlier. The man was a cooking and baking machine, especially when he was stressed.

I carried everything into the living room where Leo, Thane, Eli, and Hades sprawled out on the couches. A movie played on the TV, our fourth or fifth one today. Distraction was our coping mechanism of choice.

Four sets of eyes landed on me as I rounded the couch.

“What’s this?” Eli sat up a little straighter, eyeing the tray. He looked moments away from leaping up to take it from my hands.

I smiled but shook my head, letting him know I had it under control.

Carefully, I set it down on the coffee table and handed Eli his first. “One cappuccino.” Then Leo. “Coffee, cream, six sugars.” Thane was next. “A macchiato, and last,” I gave Hades his mug, “a mocha with an extra shot of espresso.” I beamed, proud I’d finally mastered their fancy coffee and espresso machines, and remembered their preferred drink choices.

Taking my own mug, I settled on the couch between Hades and Leo, snuggling into the cushions and breathing in the sweet scent of my overly sugared latte. Like Leo, if my coffee didn’t taste like dessert, I didn’t want it. The other guys liked their caffeine strong.
