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“Shhh, Baby Girl. We may have spoiledhavinga surprise for you, butwhatthat surprise is remains a mystery. Close your eyes.”

I glanced at Leo, who widened his stance and crossed his arms with an arched brow, waiting for me to obey his friend. My sweet Beta wouldn’t budge, and I let my lashes fall closed even as my lips tugged up.

I couldn’t lie. This was exciting. They’d intrigued me.

Maybe they’d added a romance section? Or replaced the loveseat with a couch large enough for one of them to cuddle up with me while I read?

Hades covered my eyes to make sure I wasn’t peeking, and together, they led me inside.

I blinked when I got my vision back, first taking in the sight of all my mates standing around the room, smiling with anticipatory expressions.

Gods, they’re all so handsome.

That was my first thought. But my second…

“Oh. My. Gods.”

“Welcome to your sanctuary, Love,” Eli swept his hand to the room at large.

“What have you done?” My hands went to my cheeks as I stared around, wide-eyed, unsure of where to look first.

Gone was the dark cherry color of the shelving. They’d repainted them a modern dark grey and lined them with beautiful lighting thatchanged colors. The soft glow made me giddy, as did the variety of new romance books that filled the shelves. My fingers itched to skim over all the colorful spines. A round, fluffy, nest-like bed sat in the center of the room, inviting me to curl up and read in utter luxury.

But it was the copious amounts of art supplies lining the shelves across the room that captured my full attention. A beautiful wooden easel sat in the window nook, tempting me to come fill the canvas with the autumn landscape that lay beyond the glass. There were brushes in all different sizes and more paints than I could count—watercolors, oils, acrylics, pastels. They had installed a small portable sink in the corner, so I wouldn’t always have to go to the kitchen or bathroom to clean my brushes.

An array of green plants had been set around the room, bringing life to the space.

There were overhead lights and soft lamps, giving me options for whether I was reading or painting.

I spun in a slow circle, taking in all the small details I’d missed on my first pass, like the small fox figurine on one shelf—my favorite animal—the basket overflowing with my favorite snacks, and the purple blanket on the nest that carried each of their scents. The mouthwatering blend reached me where I stood, beckoning me to jump in and snuggle deep.

“I don’t know what to say.” I was speechless. Surprised didn’t cover the depth of the emotion.

Shocked. Astounded. Flabbergasted.

“This was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me,” I whispered, voice tight as my throat swelled with emotion.

Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.

A tear slipped free, anyway. Their love for me was evident in every thoughtful detail. I’d never felt so cherished.

My Omega preened with delight, doing a little happy dance while I sniffled and wiped at my cheeks.

“Those are good tears, right?” Thane asked, suddenly on alert.

I nodded. “The best.”

“Do you like it?” Jamison rumbled.

“Like it? I fuckingloveit!”

“I don’t know why it’s hot when you curse, Sunshine, but hell. Gets me hard every damn time.” Knox adjusted himself while I laughed and blushed.

“It’s because she has such a sweet mouth,” Eli teased. “It’s always surprising when something dirty slips out.”

“Our innocent little mate.” Leo grinned, hands tucked in his pockets.

“Please.” I waved away their banter. “You all know by now I’m not innocent.” Especially Leo, given our playtime at the gym earlier.
