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A flush of heat worked through me, starting at my cheeks and spreading down my neck to my chest. I fanned myself as I sat at the kitchen island, admiring my mates as they crossed the house, still arguing, while Leo made me a cup of tea.

I almost winced when he handed it to me, not because I didn’t want it, but because my body was suddenly hot.

He tilted his head, reading me all too well. “You okay, Honey?”

I took a sip and hummed from the delightful notes of vanilla and bergamot.

“Just a little warm now,” I admitted with a shrug.

It wasn’t surprising, given the envelope stamped with the OMA logo that Eli had given me the other day. It arrived alongside my questionnaire, and while my men had immediately opened and devoured the answers to the million-and-one questions, they’d been respectful of my private medical information.

That alone spoke volumes about what good men they were. An Omega’s pack was granted complete autonomy over her, but they respected me enough to treat me as an equal. They honored boundaries I hadn’t even set, yet felt intimately personal and important.

The unopened letter had contained my lab results from the dreadful physical at the OMA, and while most of the results were normal, I’d been shocked to see my hormonal levels trending toward yet another heat cycle.

Normally, Omegas went into heat once or twice a year. This would be my third one in less than two months’ time.

Of course, the first one was forced. I could attribute the second to finding my mates. But the third?

Eli believed it all related back to the dose of Anoravel Anton gave me. The natural cadence of my cycle had been disrupted, and being around my scent matches increased the hormonal reaction in my body.

It explained my tiredness, the sore boobs, the flashes of heat, and the occasional nausea, though. My hormones were raging, and if my symptoms were any indication, my heat would hit within the next few weeks.

Ready or not, here comes another sex marathon.

The thought brought back memories of my last heat and all the incredibly naughty things I’d done with my mates. I couldn’t lie. Going through heat again certainly held some appeal, but I felt bad they’d have to give up their lives yet again. Eli and Knox could be out of jobs soon, given how much leave they’d had to take. Luckily, my other mates ran their own businesses, which allowed for more flexibility, but I was sure being gone for long periods strained things.

Guilt nibbled at the edges of my excitement, sending me into a confused headspace.

Somehow, Leo easily read my shifting mood.

“C’mere,” he purred, taking my hand and pulling me off my seat.

“What’s going on?” I asked as he tugged me through the kitchen, fully admitting to being lost in my own little world.

The others were already in the living room, debating another spot to hang my paintings. Leo led me to the couch and before long, we’d snuggled up together with the fireplace burning and a family comedy show playing on TV.

“Seemed like you needed some Beta cuddles.”

I nestled deeper into his side, breathing in his apple pie scent and enjoying the softness of the throw.

“I always need snuggles from my sexy Beta.”

“Careful. You keep inflating his ego like that and he’ll be dragging you off to the nest again.” Hades winked at me, sending the butterflies alight in my stomach.

My scent spiked, and Leo chuckled. “Somehow, I don’t think she’d mind.” Then to me, “Your scent is all over the place today. You need some attention, Honey?” His hand landed on my leg, moving in teasing strokes up and down my upper thigh. Close and yet so very far from where I needed him. “I could help distract you from whatever is bothering you and ease the ache your scent betrayed all at the same time.”

“I like the sound of that,” Thane growled lightly, stealing the spot on my other side. His arm sprawled across the back of the couch behind my shoulders, his fingers playing with the ends of my hair. “These guys don’t need my help to hang stuff up.”

A ticklish caress against the side of my neck had me squirming from their attention. Another wave of my perfume lifted into the air and I blushed.

“You’re both dangerous. You’re going to bring my heat on faster.” I bit my lip, chewing on the abused flesh.

Growing somber, Thane adjusted in his seat so he could see me better. “Is that what you’re worried about?”

“You’ve all given up so much time for me… I don’t want to be the reason someone loses their job or things with your restaurant or the gym or the bar go south because of your absences.”

Jamison sauntered over, the click of his shoes preceding his hand collaring my throat and tipping my chin up. My head rested against the back of the couch as I stared up at him. His face was upside down as he loomed over me, but it was easy to see the stern slant of his brows.
