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Her head tipped back into the wooden tabletop, her lips parting as she moaned and keened her pleasure. It echoed off the trees as sharp and piercing as a gunshot. I fucking loved that I made her scream.

Her walls spasmed, and she inhaled sharply, brows tenting as her pleasure wound tight. And then she was there, falling apart beneath me. She squeezed my cock with the waves of her release. My cock throbbed, pleasure tingling down my spine.

“That’s it, Sunshine. Shatter for me!”

Incoherent cries fell from her lips, but I didn’t once slow.

I tried to hold back, to fuck her through her orgasm, but my own rose and quickly pulled me under. One, two, three more thrusts, and then I slammed deep, filling her with my knot. It swelled, locking us together, each euphoric tug setting off a new set of fireworks in us both as she writhed against me.

A choked growl reverberated from my throat as I came apart, a shudder rolling through me as I filled her.

The release was so intense, I had to suck in air afterward, little dots swimming before my eyes from all the blood that had rushed south.

I caught myself on my arm so as not to crush her, gazing down at her with emotion tightening in my chest.

Her eyes were hazy with pleasure, her cheeks flushed, her body languid. I studied every beautiful one of her features, committing them to memory, so I’d always remember this moment. We shared a smile, and I kissed her nose, her eyelids, then her mouth.

It was a whisper of a graze, but it was just as claiming as our earlier fevered kisses. “Mine,” I growled. “My Sunshine.”

“My Alpha,” she sang, her voice a beautiful feminine lilt.

I groaned from hearing her address my designation.



It had takenme three days to come up with a plan, but watching Hades pace, I got the distinct impression that my men didn’t like it. Sucking in my cheeks, I held back a snort at the understatement.

“You can’t be serious.” Hades shoved a tattooed hand through his brown hair. “There’s no fuckin’ way we’re going to let you do this.”

“It might be the only way,” Eli chimed in from where he leaned against the wall, watching each of us, cataloging everyone’s reactions. “Logically, it makes sense.”

“Demi is ourOmega,” Knox growled, eyebrows slashing downward. “We’re not putting her directly in the path of danger.”

I sighed in exasperation. “Don’t you see? I already am. We’re bidding our time until my old pack makes a move. The only reason they haven’t is because of how scrupulous the media has been.” The constant news coverage of my father’s case, Anton’s political career, and Pack Silver’s crusade to clear their names had kept them too busy to pursue me for revenge.

But I wouldn’t escape their wrath for long.

Vengeance over their ruined auction and my role in their arrests was inevitable, and I’d spent too many sleepless nights envisioning the fallout. I couldn’t—wouldn’t—sit around and wait for them to make a move that could get me or one of my men killed. I’d barely survived the first time I thought I lost them. There was no way in hell I’d do that again.

It was riskier to sit around and wait, and I told the six overprotective men surrounding me exactly that.

My hands twisted the hem of my t-shirt as I pleaded with them to understand where I was coming from. It had taken me a long time to be okay with even suggesting something so reckless, but I was desperate.

“I don’t see another way,” I finished, squaring my shoulders and projecting more confidence in my plan than I truly felt.

Inside, I shook. What I suggested was borderline insane, and if I pulled it off, there’d be a shadow on my soul that may never wash clean. But the sacrifice would be worth it if it saved my pack.

My future with these incredible men was balanced on a knife’s edge. Anton, Huck, and Reed scared me, but losing my pack? Thatterrifiedme.

“Please let me do this,” I begged. “Wearing your marks proudly is a dream that feels so close, yet so far away. How can I accept all of you as my mates and let you mark me when I don’t know if we’ll ever have the future we’ve promised each other?”

I wanted the picture Thane had painted of love, laughter, and a life full of little versions of ourselves running around someday. It was beautiful, but it was also a dream that could just as easily fade away as come true.

“I don’t want to spend my life sequestered away, living in fear. I want to love you out loud. Is it too much to ask to be free to walk down the street, holding hands? Or to be able to go out to eat without worrying news of us will get back to the sadistic assholes who ruined my life? Living life always looking over your shoulder isn’t living at all. This is the only way. Let me fight for our future the same way you’ve all fought to keep me safe.”

Leo moved in front of me and cupped my face between gentle palms. “Of course, it’s not too much to ask. Don’t you think we want those things too?”
