Page 20 of Don't Make Promises

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She’s dangerous.

Even if I wasn’t in a relationship, I’m not about to ruin my most important friendship for her. Jack’s seen what I’ve come from, and instead of walking away, he’s stood by my side. He’s stood up for me and helped me make something of myself.

* * *

I lose track of time as I fall into a tunnel of focus. A noise coming from the kitchen disrupts me. I look around my office, the only sign that it’s not yet morning is the fact that it’s still dark outside. I’ve been so caught up in the valuations for this meeting. A quick look at my watch, has my brows lifting in surprise that it’s half past three in the morning.

I need to get some sleep.

Organizing the papers, I place them in my briefcase before standing from my seat and stretching my aching body. I should have taken a break sooner. Thankfully, my meeting isn’t until one, so I can get some sleep.

Pressing send on an email to Jerry in finance, I close the lid of my laptop, placing it on top of the papers. Another sound from the kitchen pulls me from my distracted thoughts.

Certain that it’s going to be Savannah because Sutton sleeps like a rock and wouldn't be up this early, I don’t rush to get out there. My steps are slow and steady. It feels like I’m wading through water, the sudden onslaught of fatigue catching me off guard.

As I enter the kitchen, I come up short when I find Savannah crouched on the floor, muttering to herself as she sweeps up what looks to be granola with her bare hands. Blinking, my eyes roam over her and I slowly come to the realization that she’s fully dressed, shoes and all. My brow tugs into a frown as I wonder what the hell she’s up to.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

She lets out a husky yelp as she spins to face me, a fist—no doubt holding granola—pressed to her chest as she collapses against the kitchen cabinet. “Oh good gracious, you gave me a fright. You shouldn’t be sneakin’ up on people like that.”

Her southern drawl has my heartbeat quickening as my throat grows thick. I fucking adore her accent.

Not appropriate, Noah.

Clearing my throat, I look away and out of the window at the end of the kitchen. “I wouldn’t say I was sneaking. What are you doing?” As if drawn to her, my gaze darts back to drink in her every movement.

Savannah returns to sweeping up the spilled granola before she answers me, her focus on the task in front of her. “I was making some breakfast but knocked over my bowl. I’m just going to clean this up and then I’ve got to run.”

I smooth my hand over my beard, pulling at the hair on my chin. “Why are you having breakfast at three in the morning?” I ask as I move to the cupboard under the sink for the dustpan and brush.

When I turn with it in my hand, Savannah moves to the trash can, throwing out the granola she’d picked up. “Why’re you still dressed?” Savannah asks, her brows tugging together in confusion as she ignores my question.

Bending to sweep up the remaining mess, I don’t respond to her as I concentrate on making sure nothing gets missed. With it all swept up, I turn to face Savannah, my question on the tip of my tongue.

She’s closer than I expected her to be. I suck in a breath, lavender assaulting my nostrils as I get a look at the depths of her dark blue eyes and the rings of gold around her irises. My hand itches to reach up and smooth away the strand of hair resting on her cheek.

Savannah closes her eyes before inhaling deeply and clearing her throat. When she opens them, she ducks her head and moves away from me to the other end of the kitchen, grabbing up a bag I hadn’t noticed. “I have to go.”

I stand in the moonlight as it streams through the open window, the gentle click of the front door telling me she’s gone.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I walk back to my office, snatching up my phone from my desk.


Where would Savannah be going at 3:30 in the morning?


What do you mean? Why are you even awake at 3:30?


We have a takeover. She was—

My phone vibrates in my hand as Jack’s name flashes across the screen.

“Hey man, you okay?” I say as I connect the call.
