Page 32 of Heritage of Blood

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I desperately want to know myself. I have no plan for Kate, and it’s dangerous to the organization—for me. Turning eyes in the Bratva direction and baiting Antonio is unwise, and yet there is no other option. The memory of last night assaults me. Her sitting in the closet, ten times her size, caused a pit to form in my throat each time her eyes flitted between the cameras. Defeat swallowed her expression, her head hung. I couldn’t get her face out of my head the whole night.

Without a response I shift topics. “Senator Hope is coming in three hours. You need to stay for this meeting.”

* * *

“Senator Hope,how nice of you to join us this afternoon.” I extend my hand as he walks in, head held high, chest puffed out, and his eyes meeting Nik’s with an unwavering sense of arrogance.

“Yes, Yes Mr. Morozov.” He shakes my hand, the brazen tone causing Nik to huff out in annoyance—the air in the room suddenly overbearing. “I just came out of lunch with some of my committee members, you’ll forgive my food coma,” he cajoles, sitting down across from me.

This demeanor may work with scum acquaintances and career politicians, but I’m not impressed by his bravado. I see through him and his charade to the powerless idiot that lies within. He is a pawn in the underworld game with an inflated perceived superiority that can shatter at the snap of my fingers.

“Of course. I am hoping you will remain on the committee if reelected.” I say.

This is why I want him. Senator Hope is a bastard on the Interstate Commerce Committee with a moral compass that points nowhere. He is easy to buy. Our weapons are moved across state lines all over the United States, and the senator’sinfluencekeeps our shipments moving with no inspections and little paperwork.

Senator Hope’s chin tilts upward, and a self-satisfied grin appears across his face. “I’m up in the polls by a landslide, and my team is confident. Your generosity has been pivotal in this.”

His charisma is charming, and I see how he captures voters’ attention, but he rushes through those last words, a hint at something.

“But as you know, every dollar matters, and significant financial contributions allow for meaningful change and ambitious endeavors.”

It’s a delicate balance when dealing with politicians. Each leader must do it to achieve our agendas and make millions to keep the bloodline delivering. But too much power and pressure indicates these crooks don’t fully understand who they are dealing with.

Senator Hope has no idea who he is dealing with.

“I see, Senator. How much more do you require to ensure our partnership continues to shape the political landscape?” I say, sarcasm biting my words. If he can tout persuasive rhetoric, so can I. He raises his eyebrows in response to my jargon and stiffens as he realizes his lack of humility is ever apparent.

“$1.5 million is the figure my campaign team estimates to take the race,” he replies, glancing to the mirror above the bar and checking his own reflection.


That number is a drop in the bucket to ensure our routes remain unchecked. The senator’s lips part, as though he was expecting push back, before quickly pressing his lips back together. He forces a smile, concealing his astonishment at the instant agreement.

“Nik will handle getting you in touch with our bookkeeper.” I extend my hand to shake his, effectively ending this meeting. I need a minuscule favor from him and disgust rolls through me to have his hand in mine. Taking one last glimpse of himself in the mirror, he heads for the door.

“Oh, and Senator—” I stop his exit and he turns, peeking at me over his shoulder, “—be careful, you’re not as indestructible as you think you are.”



It’s been over a week since Luka dumped me at his place, and I’ve barely seen him. He leaves before I venture out in the mornings contemplating food, and he comes back late in the evening when I’m already sequestered back in my room.

I wonder if my mom is spiraling like she did before. Did I finally get evicted from my apartment? Have I lost my job? The thought I’ve disappeared, and no one knows where I am crushes me.

Life always won’t be smooth sailing, my daughter, but your ability to persevere will see you through those tough times. Embrace your strengths and weaknesses, you are more than capable of achieving great things.

I snort, tears coming with it. I’m not sure my father would still think I’m capable as much as he did when he gave me this advice a year before I lost him. If only I had known he would leave, I’d go back to soak up his words and hear them more fully, but life can be cruel.

Ready for bed in an oversized shirt, I stare at the pile of mail still untouched. I’ve passed it multiple times this week. Willing myself to go through it screams final and accepting. Once I sort through it, this last part of me, my former life, will cease to exist. It’s stupid and irrational, but a fear all the same.

Ilena has been trying to get me to join her while she is here, cooking or taking care of the house, but I don’t want to. I don’t want to get to know her. I don’t want to participate in menial tasks that benefit this excessive penthouse.

It was on the second day this week that I realized she left every night. I had been under the assumption she stayed here. However, when I realized she wasn’t here and Luka hadn’t returned home, hope fluttered in my chest. I grabbed my shoes and darted to the elevator, pushing the button.

Nothing happened.

I pushed it again.
