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“Where are you going?” Mason leans up on one elbow, frowning worriedly at me. I blow him a quick, reassuring kiss after throwing on what looks like Maverick’s shirt. It falls to just above my knees.

“I’ll be right back. Promise. Don’t take my spot,” I warn, pointing at both of them. They can cuddle when they’re in their rooms. But in my nest, I’m getting the cozy spot. Yeah, call me a selfish omega.

See if I care.

Out the door, I tiptoe down the hall until I get to Hudson’s room. A few raps on the door, and me calling his name, and nothing. Crickets. So I open it a peek and poke my head in. Gentle snores reach my ear.

I think about turning around and letting him get his rest, but then rethink it. No way he gets mad at being woken up for this. In fact, I’d bet he’d be upset in the morning if I didn’t. I walk up to his bedside. “Hudson,” I whisper.


“Hudson,” I say a little louder, tapping his shoulder. He rouses slowly, eyes searching the darkness before they focus on me.

“Hey, pretty girl. What’s wrong?” I have to tell my vagina to settle down at the raspy quality in his voice. As if she didn’t just getverysatisfied. Always ready for her mates, it seems.

“Nothing. I just wanted to tell you goodnight.” I lean down and press a kiss to his lips. His hands dart out to hold either side of my face. His tongue licks at my lips, and I open for him automatically.

He tastes sweet, like his orange blossom scent, and he pulls me on top of him so I’m straddling his waist. But I pull back rather than grind down on the impressive erection I feel nestled against my thigh already. This night is about Maverick and Mason. Mustn't get distracted.

“Mmm mmm. Nope. I have to get back,” I tell him, to which he responds with a really cute pouty lip. I chuckle, shaking my head, and hop off the bed.

I’m all the way at the door to his bedroom, about to shut it behind me, when I poke my head back in. “Hey, Hudson.”

“Yeah, pretty girl?” he asks, grinning at me propped up against his headboard with his arms tucked behind his head. Naked chest on full display.

“I love you,” I grin at him.

His jaw drops right along with his arms before a brilliant smile stretches across his face. “I know,” he winks at me, and I laugh, closing the door behind me.

Back in my nest, Mason and Maverick–the sweethearts–did, in fact, leave me my space between them. They also both fell asleep while I was gone. So I snuggle in between them, pull a blanket up under my chin, and join them.



“I’m headed out for lunch,”Jerrick says as he walks out of his office, shutting the door behind him.

“Sounds good.” I nod and get ready to clock out for my own. When Jerrick goes to lunch, that’s usually when I take mine. Except, because of recentcircumstances,I agreed to pack my lunch for the foreseeable future and eat in the office.

“Want to join me?” he asks.

“Oh, no, thank you. I’m all set,” I say, pulling my lunch box from the bottom drawer of my desk and showing it to him.

After he heads out, I open my lunch right there at my desk. Screw walking to the small break room with two tables that are always full. At least I’ll be able to catch up on some reading here without any distractions. Just as I hit the button to clock out, my work phone rings. Every part of me wants to send it to voicemail. Technically, I am not here. But at the same time, it could be an important call, and I amright here.

With a sigh, I grab the phone and pull it to my ear. Holding it there by my shoulder, I open my lunch box at the same time and greet whoever is on the other line. “Jerrick Price’s office.”

Static crackles through the phone. I frown and repeat myself.

After a few more seconds of silence, I’m about to hang up. “I’m sorry, but I can’t hear anything. Try calling back.” Just as I start to pull the phone away from my ear, a feminine, smug-sounding laugh comes through.

Every part of me freezes. Every muscle from my neck down to my toes is locked up tight, and there’s a ringing in my ears. Dark spots appear in my vision, and I vaguely register I’m on the verge of a panic attack.

Because I know that laugh. It’s not one I would likely forget.

“Jade,” I breathe.

“Awe, I knew you couldn’t forget me. No matter how hard you’ve been trying, little mate.” The violence underlying her words is impossible to miss.
