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That wasn’t going to happen any time soon. But she could take a few moments to sit by the fire and warm up enough to manage getting home.

The storm only worsened over the next several minutes. Rain flew at the windows and hammered on the roof. Thunder and lightning continued their seductive dance outside, leaving Megan wondering how long they’d be stuck in this cabin. Good thing she didn’t have anywhere to go, otherwise she’d be pacing like a caged animal.

Besides the howling storm outside, the only other sound that could be heard was the crackling of the fire. Three logs later, and the whole cabin warmed up quite nicely.

She settled down in front of the blaze, her arms wrapped around her knees as she stared into the flickering light. Out of everyone she could have run into, it had to be Daniel. Now she was stuck with him.


Something soft and heavy dropped down around her shoulders and she jumped. Daniel stood over her, placing a blanket around her. He didn’t utter a word as he stepped away and toward the side of the hearth. He lifted his arm, leaning it against the mantle then stared into the flames.

She wouldn’t be surprised if he felt just as trapped as she did. They probably deserved this. After everything they’d done to each other since they’d met, they were bound to be put in a position where they’d have to come to terms with the fact that they both wanted to operate the best business.

Megan watched him through a hooded gaze, not wanting him to know that she was staring. It was strange seeing this side of him—the man who would rescue a damsel in distress, provide her with a place to stay and a way to warm up. Had they met under different circumstances, she would have been smitten.

She was a bookstore owner—and a romantic at that. While she had good business savvy, she wasn’t against the concept of finding her own happily ever after. One day she fully planned on finding someone who could protect her, who could take care of her—but only because she chose to let that happen.

Being Megan could be exhausting and she was willing to let herself fall in love if it meant she could let go of the reins once in a while.

All at once she found Daniel’s eyes on hers. She started, dropping her gaze to her knees then rubbing her nose there for good measure. It wasn’t difficult to feel his gaze on her then. She knew he’d be expecting her to say something especially since he’d caught her staring.

So dumb! Why had she let that happen?

Megan cleared her throat, refusing to look directly at him. “Thanks,” she murmured.


“You know, for bringing me here. For the fire.” She lifted a shoulder. “This blanket. You didn’t have to help me.”

“Yes, I did,” he muttered.

She glanced up then, only to find he was watching the fire again. “No, you didn’t.”

He huffed. “Of course I did. I couldn’t leave you out there in…that.” He jerked his chin toward her, indicating her outfit was highly inappropriate for being out in the woods.

Megan smirked. “All I’m saying is that I’m grateful that you were willing to help. You could have left me there to find my own way back in the rain.”

“You would have caught some dreaded illness. At least the worst cold you’ve ever had. And if that happened, who would keep up this feud we have going? It would hardly be fair for me to win under circumstances like that.”

She wasn’t sure, but she thought she saw his lips twitch. The corner on one side lifted slightly, briefly, before he returned his attention to the flames. “I suppose you make an excellent point.”

This time he did smile. It was difficult to see from her angle, but based on the way his jaw shifted, tightened, she was certain he’d found her agreement amusing.

Megan released a pent-up breath, but it did nothing to ease the tension in her chest. “So, what now?”

“Hmm?” he murmured.

“What do we do now? Are we just going to wait it out? Or are we going to call someone?”

Daniel pushed away from the mantle and strode across the small front room. He lifted the edge of the curtains just enough to get a better view of outside. A minute or so passed before he glanced toward her over his shoulder. “The storms out here don’t usually last that long. I’d be surprised if we end up staying until dinner.”

“Dinner? You think we’re going to be hereall day? What about that isn’t long to you?”

He chuckled, a sound she was beginning to find rather enjoyable. “When I tell you it’s not going to be long, I meant we won’t be out here for days at a time.”

“Days? Does that even happen?”

“Once or twice a year,” he said it nonchalantly enough to make her blood simmer.
