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Megan glanced toward the agent then back to the young woman who hugged the fantasy book to her chest. “Of course. One moment. We’re about to do the Q and A.”

“I got this one,” Daniel’s low, husky voice drew the attention of them both. He nodded toward the counter in the café side of the building. “If you’ll follow me, I can ring you up.” He winked at her before leaving and she couldn’t help but feel as though everything had finally come full circle.

This was where she was always meant to be. Her eyes followed him until the agent hurried over and touched her arm. “Where did you say the table was going to be set up for autographs? We need to have it moved there while she’s answering questions.”

“Absolutely. Follow me.” Megan glanced once more over her shoulder toward Daniel then hurried in the opposite direction. She didn’t know how she’d managed to get so lucky, but she had.

The rest of the evening sped by, leaving the bookstore and consequently the café in disarray. When the last customer had gone, Megan locked the door and leaned against it. She heaved a sigh, her eyes closed. Another success.

“You look positively beat.”

Her eyes fluttered open to find Daniel standing in front of her with a hand outstretched. Without question, she accepted, allowing him to pull her toward him. Their bodies collided and he slipped his arms around her waist.

He smelled of freshly harvested alfalfa and a hint of lemon. His facial hair had grown in a bit more, covering his jawline with a handsome, well-groomed beard. She drank him in as if she didn’t know the next time she’d be seeing him.

The bookstore around them was quiet, comforting. It reminded her of the first time she’d stepped foot in the shop before all the shelves and décor had been added. She’d known from that moment what this place could become.

She just hadn’t realized it would also be the reason she found love.

Megan tilted her face toward Daniel and grinned. “Another one for the books.”

“Sorry I couldn’t make it from start to finish. There were some issues at the ranch. Bo is on vacation and I had to convince Katrina to help me out.”

“She’s back in town?” Megan frowned. “I thought you said she had found a job in California that she was loving.”

Daniel grimaced. “Don’t even try to bring it up. She’s not happy about being back at all. Apparently, there were some layoffs and her position was terminated.”

Megan gasped. “There has to be some recourse for that.”

He shrugged. “All I know is that since she severed ties with her company in New York, she thought this position in California was the end-all. It’s been like pulling teeth to get her out of her room lately.”

“I’m so sorry. Poor Katrina.”

“Yeah. And my parents took a trip out of state to take a look at some trailers at an estate sale. So it’s just me and my other brothers and you know how hard it is to get them on track.”

She bit back a smile. “This is what you wanted, though, right?”

His look of exasperation shifted into a wide smile. “I love it.” He glanced around the shop and murmured, “I didn’t see Corbin here tonight, wasn’t he supposed to be on the schedule?”

“Corbin called in sick this morning.”

“I hope he’s okay.”

“I think so. He was just disappointed to miss the reading. You know how much he likes to come to these things.”

Daniel chuckled. “It’s not the reading that draws him in, you know.”

Rolling her eyes, she let out a laugh. “I know. It’s the girls. I’ll never understand why he doesn’t just find a nice girl and settle down.”

“Who knows?”

She gave him a look. “What is that smile for?”

“What? I’m not doing anything different.”

Eyes narrowing, she peered at him deeper. “No, it’s definitely different. The way you’re grinning at me… what are you thinking?”

His grasp on her tightened, pulling her against him once more. He pressed a kiss to her nose. “I’m just happy.”
