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“Really, really.”

Daniel whooped again before pulling her into his arms and sealing her promise with a kiss.


One week later

Daniel couldn’t stophis antsy movements. He was still amazed at how easily everything had come together. Everyone who mattered lived in Rocky Ridge, so the invitations were more a courtesy to those who wanted something to hang on their refrigerator.

They had a beautiful area set up out behind the large ranch house. Rows of hay bales had been placed for guests to sit on during the reception. Sweet Everything came through with a cake. And the triplets from the other side of town were able to pull strings for the rest.

It was amazing what could happen when a community pulled together.

But none of it mattered. At least not to Daniel.

The most important part was who would be walking up that aisle in a few hours.

He stood by the window watching his family and friends prepare for that exact moment when someone knocked on his bedroom door. He glanced up just as Katrina hurried inside and leaned against the doorjamb. She was breathing heavy and her cheeks were flushed.

When her eyes locked with his, she groaned. “Count yourself lucky that Corbin never tried to set you up on a date with someone you barely know.” Her gaze darkened when she caught sight of his amused grin.

“What’s the matter? Regretting your decision to let Brianne help you get settled?”

Her gaze darkened further. “I never asked her to. You’re the one who got it stuck in her head that I needed to get out there again. I was perfectly fine staying in my room all day long submitting résumés to places who could actually use my expertise.” She swept across the floor, hiking up her bridesmaid’s dress as she headed for the window. Then she ducked down. “Great. There she is.”

Daniel peeked out the window to find Brianne standing beside another guy. He squinted. “Isn’t that Simon?”

She poked her head up again. “Yeah, but that’s not who she’s trying to set me up with.” She wiggled her finger to the side. “That guy, right there. Apparently, he’s visiting the Duncans.”

He followed her gesture to see a cowboy standing beside Sam Duncan. “The guy’s not half-bad to look at.”

Katrina rolled her eyes. “What don’t you understand about me not wanting to date anyone right now? I’m going to get another job and be out of this tiny town for good.”

He shot her a concerned look. At the rate she was going, she’d be burning out of all the best firms in the country. There were only so many out there who would want to hire her. “Maybe you should set your sights on something… more… attainable.”

She lunged to her feet, hands on her hips. “Attainable? What is that supposed to mean? I went to the best schools and had a good job in New York. Anyone would be lucky to hire me to be their interior designer.”

“That’s not what I meant.” He dragged a hand down his face. “What I meant is that you should take a break. Find out what you really want—”

“What I really want is for people to stop trying to fix me. I got fired. Big whoop. I’ll pick myself up again when I’m good and ready.” Her defensive tone was only one of the things he sensed that was holding her back.

“I heard that there’s a new home furnishings boutique store opening one town over. What if—”

She groaned. “I’d rather shovel manure than waste my talents at a place like that. Seriously. I can’t believe you’re on their side.”

“Who’s side?”

Katrina smacked her hand on the windowpane. “Brianne and Simon.”

Daniel lifted his brows then schooled his features just as quickly so as not to alert Katrina of his surprise. “Oh, Simon is part of this now, too, huh?”

“Yeah,” she muttered bitterly. “It’s like the second you told Brianne that I needed an intervention everyone got on board. This is why I wanted to move away from Rocky Ridge. In the city everyone minds their own business.”

“You know they’re just trying to help, right?”


“Katrina,” he pressed, causing her to look up.
