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“Where would he go?” Nate asked, trying to work through this. “Who does he even know who could help him?”

“I don’t know, man. I asked Davis what Dad promised him, and all he said was that it was more than I ever could. Dad has nothing, didn’t rob the ship, so what did he promise?”

“Probably an empty promise.” Nate shrugged. “You think Gary knows anything? Or had something to do with this? He had those documents in his office, after all.”

No idea. “It’s a starting point.” I set the beer down, not in the mood for it. “But I can’t lie to Madd this time. He wants to move on, but he knows we’re still in danger, so I just have to talk to him about everything. Honesty this time.”

Nate grinned at me, shoving my shoulder. “Aw, you grew up so fast.”

A multitude of fuck ups and your boyfriend taking a bullet for you did that to a guy. “He should be back any minute now.”

“Unless he convinced Xav to take him to the track. He knows you won’t roll over, but his brother probably would.”

Maddox was the worst patient in the world. He didn’t listen, basically had a death wish, and was going crazy not being able to work, bike, swim or fight. He went from a bullet wound patient to an insane mental patient and I hated him just a little bit.

Knowing he probably conned Xavi into letting him injure himself, I whipped out my phone to bribe him.

Devon:No dirt biking. Come home and I’ll make it worthwhile.

MFK:How worthwhile?

Devon:Come home and find out.

“JFK?” Nate snooped.

“M. Maddox Fucking Kane.” I smiled at my phone.

“Hey, boys,” Seth said, walking across our lawn. “My kids here?”

Nate shook his head. “Madd had a doctor’s appointment and Devon needed a break from him.”

Ain’t that the truth.

“How’s he doing?” Seth asked me.

“He’s impossible and reckless and I hate him.” I put my phone away. “Other than treating me like his slave, he’s fine.”

Seth smiled, looking a lot like Xavi. “Sounds about right. Listen, for what it’s worth, I’d be willing to help out with… this Jim stuff.”

Nate and I both stared at him, wondering what his angle was. He’d always hated my dad, but he’d never been this supportive of his sons before. Sobriety looked good on him, and I could even admit that I didn’t hate the guy, but trust issues didn’t just disappear.

“No gambling, no drinking, no drugs,” Seth said. “I’m trying to find a new job, but in the meantime, I’m bored. Boredom doesn’t bode well for addicts, and I am trying to make amends with my boys, so I’m here to help if you need it.” He flicked a sobriety chip through his fingers and looked awkward.

“You know Gary?” Nate asked him.

“A bit, yeah.” Seth nodded.

“He have any sort of connection to our dad or Patrick Harris?” I asked.

Seth looked at the sky, thinking. “Come to think of it, Gary’s wife, she passed on, was Patrick Harris’ cousin or something like that.”

“Jim got me to steal those documents from Gary’s office, but he said Gary was only holding them for Harris. We need to find out what he knows about them and why nothing ever came from it.”

“Want me to snoop around a bit?” Seth asked.

“Yeah, and if that doesn’t work, we’ll threaten him,” Nate said. “I’m done playing nice.”

I hoped it didn’t have to come to that, mostly because I didn’t want any of us to get locked up for it. We all needed to be out here, clearing our names and putting my dad down while working towards a life we actually wanted. Together. All of us.
