Page 103 of Redemption

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She knows she’s in trouble. Big trouble. The man who punched her winds back and kicks her in the ribs, and she flies to the side, smacking her head hard on the road. “Colt!” she cries.

Come on, Colt. Come outside. Feel me here, needing help. Needing you. Please, baby. Please.

“Don’t kill her!” scar-face shouts. “We need her.”

“What about him?” someone she can’t see asks.

“Leave him. Someone has to tell them we have her.”

The bald man moves to grab her, and she balls her hands into fists, punching him as hard as she can in the face. If she’s getting taken, no one will ever be able to say she went without a fight. “Fuck you!”

“Fuck!” he shouts and slaps her hard with the back of his hand. “Don’t worry, babe, we plan to.”

Her right cheek hits the cement hard, the warm blood on her face she feels on her face as it scrapes the ground, and she becomes overwhelmed with the blinding pain of her head. She’s felt this before. Part of her wishes he would’ve just shot her.

“And we’ll make it hurt,” the man with the broken nose says before spitting blood on the ground next to her. “Payback’s a bitch.”

“Payback has nothing on me,” she spits and kicks him in the groin. “Just get the fuck out of here.”

Annoyed with how long it’s taking, scar-face grabs her by the hair and yanks her to her feet. “For Christ’s sake, she’s a hundred pounds and kicked three of your asses.”

“Colt!” she screams again as he pulls her hair, some of the strands tearing from her scalp. She pulls her fist back and smacks him in the mouth.

Get up Ben. Get up and run to the clubhouse. Tell her family she needs help. Someone, anyone.

Instead of letting her go, he swings her around, forming a knot around his hand with her hair, and hits the side of her face so hard the world fades to black.


Chapter 36

Black Valley


The hair on the back of Colt’s neck stands on end as he sits next to Ky on the couch in the clubhouse. “I think I’m gonna get some air,” he says.

As he moves to stand, Diane saunters over in a shirt barely covering her nipples. “Hi, Colt.”

The sultry look makes him see red. “Get the fuck away.”

“Rumor around here says you and your wife are splitsville. If you need help scratching any itches, let me know. I’d be more than happy to give you what you couldn’t get at home.”

Her dark curls fall in her face as she leans forward, and he can’t deny she’s attractive. It’s part of the reason he let her flirt with him, but it never went beyond that. “Trust me, whatever you have to offer would pale in comparison to what Lex gave me.”

“But Lex isn’t around anymore, is she? Not in your bed, anyway.”

“Yeah, and you had something to do with that. Tell me, how’s the pregnancy going with my imaginary child? You know, with the imaginary sex we had in your fucked up head?”

His skin tingles, and something screams to get outside. He’s never felt anything like this before.

Her finger traces up his arm and distracts him from his thoughts. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I bet you could knock me up with just a kiss. That’s how potent you seem.”

Pulling his arm from her reach, he realizes how big of an idiot he was to entertain this woman for as long as he did. This is what Lex believes he was doing in Black Valley? “I have no intention of fucking any farm animals tonight, so just walk the fuck away.”

Psycho and Ky laugh, and she glares at them. “You think this is funny?”

“What I think is funny is the fact you seem to struggle with simple words. Get. The. Fuck. Away. Really elementary level. Dare I say preschool?” Psycho says.
