Page 27 of Redemption

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The idea that the woman who’s helped save him many times in the past stopped trying makes him angry. She knows better than anyone that fighting is the way to go. The way to fix everything. Cutting off lines of communication won’t get anyone anywhere.

“He got really dark out there for a while. We saw a lot of battle and death, and he started hitting the bottle hard afterwards. Never wanted to talk about it, though. Just drank away his feelings.”

“Drinking usually gets him into more trouble than it helps.”

Psycho chuckles. “Ain’t that the truth for us all?”

“Yeah, probably.”

“So… what was Grayson talking about?”

“What do you mean?”

“He said something about his relationship with the club. Are we even more solid with the boys in blue?”

Sighing, he shakes his head. “No, he means my fucking sister.”

“Still? You and Diesel didn’t put a stop to that shit the last time I was here?”

“Are you blind? They were at Calla’s birthday party together.”

“I was a little preoccupied. Still, you allow it?”

Ky laughs. “I’ll give you one guess who convinced us to do it.”

“The woman who’s given up on all of us?”


He looks around the room at everyone grouped together. It’s obvious sides have been drawn in the room. He hates the fact he doesn’t know where to find Lex. He knew something was wrong. Felt it months ago, but she wouldn’t tell him. Now it’s beyond repair, and she was too stubborn to just tell him and let him help. Part of this is on her.

Chapter 11

Griffin’s Beach


Grayson strums the steering wheel of his squad car as he drives the streets of Griffin’s Beach. He’s lived here his entire life, and he can’t imagine living anywhere else. Everything he ever needs in life resides in this small town, and he realizes that for the first time in a long time, he’s happy. So happy, it almost scares him like something terrible will inevitably happen.

He passes by one of the real estate offices and spots Lex’s black Mustang outside. It’s the only one in town, so there’s no mistaking it. Pulling into the parking lot, he waits for her to walk outside.

It takes thirty minutes, but she finally walks out in a white sundress hanging off her as though it’s a size or two too large. Her hair, freshly styled, blows in the wind, and he takes note of how striking her collarbone protrudes right above the neckline.

Flipping on the lights and siren, he watches her jump and looks at him. Smirking, he turns them off and climbs out of his car.

“Jesus Christ, I almost had a heart attack,” Lex says, her hand on her chest.

Her ring finger bares no ring, and pity takes over. For the longest time, he believed he was in love with Alexis Dalton. She told him he wasn’t in love withherbut rather theideaof her. And she was right. Like usual. But deep down, he’d always known she and Colt were meant to be. At least, until Colt screwed up.

“Sorry,” he says with a laugh. “What’re you doing here? Buying a house?”

She sighs and leans against her car. “I wish.”

His eyes narrow. “Lex, what’s going on?”

“In what sense?”

Touching his ring finger, he nods to her. “You’re really done with Colt?”
