Page 7 of Redemption

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“We’ve been having problems with the Puffy Taco,” he says.

Colt went to the grand opening, but otherwise, he forgot all about the strip club they purchased. Taylor “Shep” Shepherd’s girlfriend, Heidi, runs it. And she knows about the business after being the most sought after stripper who won over Shep’s heart.

“What’s going on?” he asks. He hasn’t heard much about the Puffy Taco other than the few snippets that reached Black Valley. And all center around what the dancers do on and off stage.

“Christian’s been causing problems,” Shep says, his dark hair a little too long and falling in his face. “First, he blocked permits and our liquor license, and then he and a few of his boys got them and a few of our guys arrested. He’s trespassed at the club, but that hasn’t stopped him from sending men to harass the dancers.”

Christian something-or-other owns the Clam Bake over in Riverview. He used to be friends with Shep until Heidi and he started dating. Then she stopped dancing and bringing in the money he’d come to expect. His attitude caused some of his best dancers to leave and join the Puffy Taco, adding fuel to the fire already burning bright. Never stopped to think he was part of the problem. Typical.

“We gotta figure out what to do to keep that motherfucker from messing with our girls again,” Tyson Reeves says. He and his best friend, Shep, have recently been reunited.

“Maybe we need to be the security for a while,” Jacob “Patriot” Norris offers. “There aren’t too many people who are bold enough to fuck with us, especially when we’re in a group. And Christian’s guys lost to us.”

Colt watches the man who replaced Tripp as the fuckboy of the club. Well, Patriot and his buddy, Mack. Now, Patriot dates a daughter of the club and lives happily ever after. Asshole.

Jennings nods. “That’s a good idea. Any objections?”

“I think it’s a good plan,” VP agrees.

The men all shake their heads, and people start volunteering to take shifts with the girls. All eyes turn to him, and he knows he needs to think of something fast. “I’ll get back to you. I’m not sure what the plan for Black Valley is, and I think Lex was talking about visiting her mom in Arizona. She’d probably take Calla, but Noah would stay with me.”

TK narrows his eyes and shares a glance with VP across the table, but both keep their mouths shut. Even he’s surprised at the ease with which the lie slid off his tongue, but he keeps a straight face.

“Just let us know,” Shep says. “We’ll always take an extra man.”

A few other pieces of business hit the table, but it doesn’t take long. They filter into the main room, and rather than sit down to have a drink like he wants desperately to, he starts to head towards the door. Vodka and trying to wrangle Calla wouldn’t be a great combination.

“Hey, Colt?” Felicity, Ky’s wife, calls out. Her long, dark hair wraps in a large bun on the top of her head as she tilts her head to look at him. “Where’s Lex?”

“She’s, uh, she’s at home,” he says.

Shep’s shoulders sag. “Damn, I wish she was here. She’d probably have a good idea to help fuck with Christian.”

“What’s going on?” Felicity asks.

Ky wraps his arm around his wife. “The owner of the Clam Bake just started causing waves with the Puffy Taco. Nothing we can’t handle, but it’s extra shit we don’t need with everything going on in Black Valley right now.”

“Yeah, this would kind of be Lex’s bread and butter, right?” Melanie asks as Jace Conway pulls her into his lap. Her large, fake breasts barely fit in the tight tank top, providing even more cleavage than normal. Or maybe Colt’s just been so far removed to remember.

The woman also stares at him with expectation, and he shifts uncomfortably. Does she know? Has Lex talked to her? He wants to pull her aside and ask, but if she doesn’t know, he can’t trust she’ll keep her mouth shut. Not for him.

“I forgot to tell her I was coming home, and Karmen has plans tonight. We couldn’t get a sitter in time.”

Ky narrows his eyes at him, and he needs to get out of there before he can’t talk his way out of the questions they’re throwing him. He knows he’s building suspicion, and that only leads to more questions he can’t answer. Not yet.

“Gracie would love to watch the kids. Yours are the best behaved kids in the club,” Felicity says. “Actually, why don’t I call Lex and have her bring the kids to our house? She can come join us for a drink. It feels like forever since I’ve seen her.”

She really hasn’t been at the clubhouse. Panic sets in. She won’t answer if she calls his wife because she no longer has a phone. That he knows of. “Her phone has been on the fritz since she replaced the one that broke. Besides, we could use some family time together tonight. I’m gonna head home now.”

“I haven’t seen Lex in a hot minute,” Heidi says and looks up at her man. “Have you?”

He shakes his head as he plays with the ring on her finger. Did Shep finally pop the question to the woman he’s been head over heels with since he saw her dance on that pole? Wait, did Lex tell him that? It sounds familiar.

“Did you two get engaged?” he asks before he can stop himself.

The older man looks at him with confusion. “Lex didn’t tell you?”

Shit. “She did. I’m sorry. Things have been so hectic, I couldn’t tell you what I had for lunch today. Or even if I ate lunch today.”
