Page 105 of Mafia Redeemer

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I’m careful how much force I use, but I don’t ease up for the next four on each side. She’s dripping, and I know her clit must ache from the way she’s purposely rubbing my thigh with each spank. This time, when I thrust my fingers in, I press my thumb against her asshole. The tip enters her, and she clenches.

“You like that, don’t you?”


She croaks her answer. I pull my thumb away, but she pushes her hips up, chasing it. I bring the belt down again with the hardest spank yet.

“I decide what your body gets, little one. I decide whether I’m going to finger fuck you. I decide whether I’m going to play with this perfect ass. I’ll fuck it when I’m good and ready.”

“You feel ready to me, Daddy.”

I’m extra careful with my aim, but I land the belt against her pussy. I made her reposition herself for this. She howls with the unexpected and unfamiliar pain. That makes ten. I regret I’d wasted four on each side. I can tell from her breathing and the way she’s trembling that it’s not out of genuine pain. It’s need. I’ve aroused something in her she doesn’t know how to manage yet. I help her up and turn her as she pushes hair out of her face. I sweep her into my arms and position her, so her ass is between my thighs.

Tears started streaming down her face around the third or fourth one, but she never sobbed. Now she does. It’s the aftermath of too many emotions today. I cradle her and rock her as she cries. I let her. I don’t offer platitudes or try to convince her to stop. If she’s crying this hard, she needs it.

I just hold her. She wraps her arms around me and clings to me for dear life. As though I’d go anywhere. I can’t bear the idea of not touching her right now. Fuck. I need to be inside her, but I told her no rewards after a punishment. She sits up and cups my cheeks. The kiss she gives me is like nectar from the gods. She’s not holding back. It’s passionate, but it’s not meant to be lustful. It’s filled with love. She shifts, and I know she wants to straddle me. I help her, then I’m inside her again.

Neither of us moves. We watch each other, our gazes locked. The goal isn’t to get off. It isn’t even to pleasure the other. We are one. Our bodies and our souls. I’ve enjoyed the moment I enter a woman plenty of times. But it’s never been like it is with Chellie. It’s never been like it is right this minute.

“Can we just stay like this forever, Enzo?”

“We can imagine we can.”

She rests her head on my shoulder, and I press my cheek to the top of her head. I shut my eyes, blocking out the world. I know my guys are outside on patrol. I know my family wants to know where I am, and that Chellie is safe. I know Laura must be bouncing off the walls with worry. But nothing matters more right now than this intimacy.

We stay like this until she comes down from the heightened emotions, her soft trembles turning into real shivers. I carry her into the bathroom, but she lets go as she gathers what we need for a bath. She plugs the tub and reaches under the sink to retrieve bubble bath. She moves around, grabbing towels. I keep testing the water until I’m confident it’ll stay warm for a while without scalding either of us.

I help her in, and once again, she sits on my lap, her knees and shins resting on the tub floor. I splash water over her shoulders before I sink farther under, bringing the water to her neck. I barely filled the tub to halfway, but displacement has the water nearly spilling over. We soak until we’re both falling asleep. She lets the water out, and we pull the shower curtain closed after we stand. She adjusts the water temp this time until it’s comfortable.

“You know what I said earlier about never feeling like a possession when you speak to me?”


“Would you say that sort of stuff every time you’re inside me? Even when we’re just together like earlier.”

“If that’s what you want, I’m happy to say it all the time.”

“I don’t know if it’s just because I’m freaked out by what’s going on or what. But I need to hear it. I know it’s all true, even if you don’t. But it stops my mind from spinning. You’re always so certain.”

I pull her close to me, and this time the kiss is passionate and lusty. I turn her to face the wall, and I lift one foot onto the edge of the tub. I pull her hips back as I thrust into her.

“All of you is mine, Chellie. There isn’t a part of you I won’t possess. I won’t share you, and I won’t let anyone take you from me. I know you can guess what I do, but you can’t imagine the extremes I will go to, to keep you. We’re getting married in the morning, and you’re throwing out your pills. I’m going to fuck you full of my cum every chance I get until I get you pregnant. We are going to have a family and a long life together. I’m going to suck your tits until it’s our baby’s turn. Then I’m going to watch you and hold you while you hold our son or daughter. No more you or me. Only us.”

I’m not sure if I went too far with that, but it tumbled out once I opened the gates.


She moans my name as I watch her fingers bend and straighten against the wall as though she’d fist it if she could. I press my chest against her back as I thrust over and over.


“Yes, Daddy.”

“I’m going to count down, and you will come all over me. Five. Four. Three.”

“I’m so close, Daddy. Harder.”
