Page 65 of Mafia Redeemer

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“I’ve sucked you off, and you’ve fucked my pussy. I want you to fuck me in the ass. I want you to claim every part of my body. I want your cum in and on me, Enzo. I want to look down and see it. I want to feel it. I can be just as possessive and controlling. I want to know that no woman has what I have.”

“And what’s that?”

“You. I have the man who will do anything for me, and I believe him when he tells me that. I have the man who’s brave enough to follow through with any threat he makes to anyone who might endanger me. I have the man who can be so fucking tender with me it makes my heart swell and feel like it could explode. I have the man who makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. I have the best man there is. He’s mine, and I’ll be damned if I ever share that with anyone else.”

I back her against the wall, and my mouth devours hers. I can’t get enough. Everything she just said. All of it. I know she meant it, and it makes me feel like Superman. Her hands grip my ass and pull me closer. I press more of my weight against her, but it’s not all of it. I don’t want to crush her.

“Daddy, stop holding back. You won’t hurt me. You know I love this. Please.”

I take a half step forward and press almost all my weight on her. I don’t care what she says. I will not risk hurting her. She whispers to me, and I almost can’t hear her.

“You keep telling me you won’t trap me, but please don’t leave me.”

I lean back enough to look her in the eye, and I finally see fear. It wasn’t there when I told her what’s happening. It wasn’t there when I explained I will be controlling. But the thought of me walking away from her scares her. And I hate seeing even a hint of fear in her eyes.

“Chellie, I’m not going to. I’m selfish as fuck for bringing you into this world. But I can’t let go even when I know I should. I don’t want to live without you. I don’t know that I could now that I know you. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Then stop telling me you won’t trap me. Stop offering me ways out. I don’t want to go anywhere. Every time you do, it makes me think you’re leaving yourself a way out, too.”

“That’s not it at all. I don’t want you to regret picking me.”

“My only regret will be if you shut me out. I don’t want to fall even more for you and not have you feel the same.”

I hoist her, and she wraps her legs around my waist. I thrust into her, and we both sigh. Then we’re moving together, and I’m fucking her as hard as I dare. No. That’s not right. This isn’t gentle or slow, but it’s not fucking. This isn’t about getting her off then getting myself off. This isn’t about her giving herself to me, and me taking. This is entirely different. I’ve never felt this way during sex before. All I want is the intimacy we’re sharing. All I want is to feel us being one with nothing getting between us, nothing separating us. So, yes. I’m thrusting as hard as I dare. Yes, I’m kissing her as though she’s my last meal. But this isn’t fucking.

“Daddy, are we making love?”

“Yes, little one.”

Our gazes meet, and they don’t waver as we move together. She’s gripping my shoulders until she suddenly cups my face and dives in for a kiss. I swallow her moan as she comes.

“I want to make you come, Daddy. I need to make you come.”

“Not until I give you at least one more orgasm.”

“I might die before that happens. Please, Enzo. I need to know you feel the way I do. I need to give you that.”

This isn’t the possessiveness we shared earlier, which — by the way — I fucking loved hearing. I want to know that she’ll fight for us because this life won’t be easy. She’s desperate to show me she loves me as much as I love her. She wants to give me pleasure because there aren’t words for what’s happening right now. I grip her hips and rock mine as I come.

“I’m not ready to put you down yet,mia cuore.” My sweetheart.

I walk us to the bench at the foot of the bed, and she remains wrapped around me as we kiss. They’re not the feverish kind, but we fill them with the same emotion as a moment ago.

“Daddy, can I tell you a story?”


“In the days of the Greek gods, man and woman were joined at their backs. They had four arms, four legs, and one head with two faces. They were one. They did everything together and were perfectly in tune with one another. Because of this, Zeus grew angry, fearing they might have more power than him. To punish them, he split them in two, making man and making woman. He gave them vices that kept them apart, but in their hearts, they always longed for their mate. Their souls weren’t at peace while they missed their other half. It was only when they found each other that they felt whole. Daddy, I feel whole finally.”

“So do I,piccolina. Aristophanes was right. Or rather Plato’sSymposiumwas right. I know that story too, Chellie. Aristophanes said something like, when the right two people meet, something wonderful happens. Plato didn’t believe this in truth, so he wrote it as a satire. But he was right. It is real.” I lean forward, so our foreheads touch. “It has to be because I’m sitting in here with you with our bodies joined. Four arms, four legs, one head with two faces, and the parts of a man and woman that fit together to make them one.”

We move so we can rest our heads on each other’s shoulder, and I have a sense of peace I haven’t felt since before I was twelve and started carrying a knife. Before I became a Mafioso. We run our hands over each other’s back as my left one cups her ass. We’re perfectly at peace, even though I’m not hard anymore and can’t stay inside her. She unwraps her legs, and I think she’s about to shatter that peace. I tighten my hold on her ass.


She kneels as she soothes me, allowing her to bring her tits to my face. She offers me one, and I gladly suck. There has to be something wrong with me. I have no interest in role play. Not her being younger and definitely not me being younger. But there is something calming about this. A shrink would say I either wasn’t breastfed long enough or was breastfed too long. That I have some sort of mommy issues. I don’t give a shit. It’s what I share with the woman who’s my soulmate.

“Enzo, you know I don’t feel like a mommy when I do this, right?”
