Page 11 of Caleb

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I hurry and dig around the drawers in the small bathroom until I find some Vaseline. I trot out to the living room holding it up triumphantly. "Here we go!" I say and he looks up and blushes even deeper.

Oh, my lord. Is he for real?

I squat down so I'm eye level with his crotch. His dick is huge and I realize I'm rather interested in seeing more. I thought my libido was dead. Or exhausted like the rest of me.

Regardless, I need to get him unstuck. I open the Vaseline and coat my finger with it, then rub it along his zipper. I've got my hand on the inside of his jeans, basically brushing against his cock. His breathing is ragged and I know he's trying to pretend none of this is happening. I stifle a giggle and then pretend to cough so he doesn't know I'm laughing.

"Nothing funny about this," he grits out between his clenched teeth.

I sneak a peek up at him. Damn it, he's breathtakingly handsome. I've been wooed and pursued by some of the hottest men in music, movies, TV and even a few podcasters. None of them can come close to this guy. Broad shoulders, narrow hips, thick thighs and ... thick other things.

I take my time rubbing the Vaseline over his zipper, enjoying teasing him. Being close. Being in control.

"I think that's enough lube, don't you?" he says.

"Oh, you can never have enough lube, if you ask me."

"Not asking." He pushes my hand out of the way and the zipper slides up easily, encasing his cock behind its denim shield.

I stand and look at him. Damn. I think bossy Caleb is even more sexy. He takes a step toward me and snakes his hand around the back of my neck, holding me in place while his face moves to block my vision. His mouth mere inches from mine. "You think this is humorous?" he says and the words do funny things to my tummy.

I lick my lips, unsure of what to say, though suddenly the deepest desire of my heart is for him to kiss me, so instead of answering, I lean forward until my mouth touches his. His hand on my neck tightens and I'm immobilized, not that I want to move anyway. I press my hands against his chest and feel the hard muscles beneath my palms. My heart pounds as his mouth dominates mine, pushing my lips open and sliding his tongue inside my mouth. I moan and lean into him further, sliding my hands down his torso and wrapping them around his waist.

His cock presses against my belly and I can feel it getting even harder.

God, all I want is to get laid. Right here, right now. I reach down and tug his shirt out of the waistband of his pants.

Suddenly he pulls away, holding me literally at arm’s length with a firm grip on my upper arms.

“I beg your pardon,” he says. His raspy voice sends a zing of longing straight to my pussy. “This isn’t how a gentleman behaves.”

I gape at him. What the frickety frack? Is he cock blocking me? With his own cock?

“We do things a little differently around here and it wouldn’t be proper for me to take advantage of you.”

It takes a couple moments for his words to sink in. Is he rejecting me? Me? Xandra? World famous singer and wildly in demand celebrity?

It’s so preposterous, all I can do is laugh.

“Well, I’d hate for you to feel as though you’d done something ungentlemanly.”

“I just stopped by to see if you were okay or if you needed anything.”

Need anything? Yeah, I need a good fucking.

Instead I said, “No, I think I’m fine, thank you for checking. You did a good job of stocking up the place before I got here. Thanks for the Pop Tarts. I’m surprised Nicco approved all that junk food.”

A look of surprise flashes across his face. Like he didn’t remember what he’d bought? Who knows. It’s been a weird afternoon here.

“Then I’ll just be on my way.” He backs out the door and across the porch, avoiding the loose board and then he turns and strolls to his beat up truck. He might be a gentleman, but he’s driving a real piece of crap truck.

He starts it up, touches the brim of his hat and then leaves.

Suddenly the cabin seems lonely.


