Page 15 of Caleb

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It's been a couple days since Caleb’s visit. Otherwise, I've been alone here in the cabin. I'm getting used to it. It's weird though, after years of almost zero privacy with people fussing over me from dawn to dusk it seemed, it's strange now to be all alone. To take care of myself.

I did a decent job with my hair considering it was my first time cutting my own hair.

It's been shocking and a bit embarrassing to realize how pampered I've become. Like some sort of prima donna with people around taking care of everything for me because I'm the golden ticket. Their golden meal ticket.

It hurts to realize that, but it's the truth.

Except for Nicco. He's the only one who really cares.

I'm supposed to be in the hospital. I wonder if my father has even visited? Of course he has, for the TV cameras only. And to find out how soon he can get me back out on stage churning out money for him.

Greedy prick.

As I try to fry myself some eggs without getting too much of the shell into them or having them stick to the pan, I realize that I sort of miss having someone to do the cooking. On the other hand, fried food has been off my menu for ages.

Just think. I can eat anything I want. Get as fat as I want. Maybe even get a few zits on my nose from eating too much chocolate. I know other people think that's a fate worse than death, but I'd sort of be excited because it would signal that I've not had someone micromanaging my food.

The eggs come out okay. A couple of Eggo waffles pop up from the toaster. After slathering them with real butter and pure maple syrup, I plop the eggs on top and make my way to the table.

The first bite is delicious and so is every bite after that. I finish it all and go to the sink to wash the syrup off my fingers and face. The window over the sink is open and the morning air smells wonderful. Fresh and clean.

When I turn off the water, there's a funny little noise coming from outside. Probably just insects or something. I turn away and add more coffee to my cup.

The noise persists. And it's getting louder.

It reminds me of something. Something from the time before. Before I was a child singing sensation and then a teenage singing star and now I'm a what—adult star? No, that sounds like I make porn movies.

Anyway, in the life I had before stardom, I remember going to my grandma's house. She always had pets and once some kittens were born under the back porch.

Yep, I'm pretty sure that's the sound I'm hearing.

I haven't ventured outside too much but just going out to the porch won't hurt anything. It's not like anyone knows I'm here.

After I put on my shoes I find a flashlight and open the back door. The sound is louder once I'm outside and I'm pretty sure my assumption is correct.

Bending over, I look under the porch. I can't really see much, so I get down on my stomach and shine the flashlight beneath the wooden slats.

Visions of horror movies flash through my head and I wonder if some kind of evil being is living under the porch.

Sure enough, a pair of eyes are reflected in it. I gasp and pull back.

Then it mews again. Of course, it’s just a kitten. I’m not living in a Stephen King book.

Wait. What if it's not a kitten or an evil being? What if it's some wild cat that lives out here in the wilderness of Montana? Or a skunk. I move the light around a bit more to get a better look.

It's a kitten. It's stuck. And scared.

Me too.

With a grimace, I scooch closer to the porch and reach my hand out. "Here, kitty."

This is not effective.

I repeat the maneuver until my left shoulder is under the porch and my hand is stretched as far as it will go. "Come on, kitty. I won't hurt you." I'm just inches away, but she's indifferent to my efforts. I should have brought some food to entice the critter.
