Page 18 of Caleb

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He's so flustered. It's cute. Sexy. And I'm pretty sure I stink.

"Well," he says and I swear he's blushing. "Why don't we go inside and see if you've got any injuries?"

I glance off toward the woods. "I can't believe that kitten just took off like that," I say, shaking my head. Even a stray cat doesn't want to hang out with me.

"Yeah, it's hard to get reliable pussy."

My steps falter and he catches me. Did he just say what I think he said?



"Well, thanks again for your help. I'm really sorry to bother you. I'm sure I'll be able to handle things myself from now on. I went out driving yesterday and I'm feeling more comfortable in the area, so you won't need to check on me anymore, either. And I’ve got plenty of supplies." I can't believe the way I'm rambling, but I'm just so darned embarrassed and my lips won't stop moving.

Caleb gives me a smile. Sort of. The side of his mouth turns up and it's like he's trying not to laugh because it might embarrass me if he thought I was funny but the way that little corner of his mouth makes my tummy flip flop is probably even more distracting than my embarrassment.

I stare at his mouth and think about his lips and the way they felt when he kissed me. Then I think about them on my lips. My cheek. My... Oh good lord. I've got to stop this. I'm sure my face is flushing, because that little smirk on Caleb's face is getting bigger.

“I really do appreciate your help. And I'm sorry to interrupt whatever you were doing." I look at his shirt and it's filthy. What does he do? Is he just the village handyman or something? Based on the dirt on his jeans and the bit of sweat my nose detects, he's definitely a man who works with his hands.

Those hands. My mind goes to the same place it did a minute ago when thinking about his lips. I turn away from him to hide my embarrassment from his oh-so-observant gaze.

I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror and gasp. I look horrible, dirt and under-back-porch goo coat my clothes. I’m a fine one to judge Caleb. I should run and hide. Or at least get cleaned up.

But he clears his throat and I realize he’s probably got to get back to work and I’ve kept him from it.

I spot my purse sitting on a chair in the kitchen and go to it. "Please," I say, pulling out my wallet. It feels funny in my hand. I've had people taking care of every minute detail of my life, when was the last time I actually paid for something myself?

Oh, for sure I know the money for all of it is coming out of the accounts that are overflowing as a result of my hard work and loyal fans. My fans are the best. A pang of guilt stabs at me when I think about running away from them. But then I hear Caleb move around behind me and I'm returned to my current situation.

I turn toward him and hold out my wallet. "Please," I repeat. "Let me pay you for your time. It's the least I can do. I obviously took you away from your work. Time is money, as they say."

I open my wallet, thankful to see that Nicco stocked it with a thick wad of bills. I draw out several and hold them toward him.

He recoils as though I'd pulled a snake out and shook it at him, though somehow I suspect that a snake wouldn't scare him in the least.

"Oh no," he says, holding his hands up like he's trying to block me. "No need to pay me. I'm happy to be able to help."

"But," I say, and my gaze involuntarily goes to the rips in his jeans and I think about that old truck he's driving around in, "you can't just keep leaving your job and coming over here. I can't imagine that your boss is too happy about that."

"Well, my boss is pretty easy to get along with."

"Oh my God," I say. "I don't even know what your job is. Do you have a job? Are you sure you're not going to get in trouble?" I'm still holding the cash out to him. He wraps his rough hand around mine and gently pushes it back toward me.

"Alex, I want you to put that money back in your wallet, hear me?"

His touch and commanding voice send spasms of longing through me and my fingers tingle where his hand rests over them. Warm and powerful. Our eyes meet and I feel myself melting into him. He licks his lips and I can't stop staring at his mouth.

I swear he's going to kiss me and I close my eyes in anticipation. I don’t mean to, but it just sort of happens.

"Are you afraid of me?" he asks and there's a note of surprise and hurt in his voice. He lets go of my hand and a rush of cold seems to sweep over me when he stops touching me.

My eyes fly open. "N-no, of course I'm not afraid of you." I shove my hand into my purse and drop the wad of bills, then zip it closed and hold it in front of me like a barrier from his intoxicating masculinity.

"Then why did you close your eyes?" He steps toward me and I want to take a step back, to get away from him and the pull he has over me but my stupid feet won't budge. He puts a finger under my chin and tips it upward. "Is this what you were hoping for?" he whispers and his warm breath spreads over my mouth the instant before his lips touch mine.

This is insanity. It's a gentle kiss, though his lips are insistent against mine and within seconds I open my lips and his tongue slides into my mouth and touches mine, sort of tentative at first, like he's gauging where I want this to go. His caution is sexier than anything I've ever experienced.
