Page 24 of Caleb

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I guess that's good. But awkward.

I set the basket down. "What's in here?" Alex asks, opening the lid and peeking inside. "Wow, this looks fantastic. Don't tell me you baked all these goodies too?"

I laugh. "No, I got those from..." Crap. I can't tell her I have a housekeeper. Plus, Midge would box my ears if she heard me call her a housekeeper. "My neighbor. She's a nice lady. Keeps me well stocked."

I blow out a breath. I should just tell her the truth.

She glances up at me, so sweet. "Well, I hope you'll tell her I said thank you."

I grab the blanket and give it a big shake to lay it on the ground. When I do, little silver squares go flying into the air.

What the—

Then they settle back onto the red plaid fabric and I want to die of embarrassment.

Condoms. At least a dozen of them, scatter across the blanket and the grass surrounding it.

Midge’s laughter from earlier echoes in my mind.

I'm going to kill her. I really am.



Oh my God. I gasp and then laugh hysterically when I see the shower of condoms. I glance over at Caleb and his face is scarlet. I assume from embarrassment and maybe a bit of anger.

"Wow, you must have high hopes for the afternoon," I say, holding back my giggles.

"I-I got the blanket from my neighbor and I guess she..."

He's absolutely adorable when he stammers and gets flustered.

I pick up one of the condoms and look at it. Magnum. Of course. I run my fingers over it and feel the stiff rim of rubber. The ache between my thighs ratchets up a few degrees.

"You must live in an interesting neighborhood," I say, stepping toward him, the condom still in my hand.

He looks at me and his demeanor changes from a bit embarrassed and flustered to full on hot cowboy. I hold the condom out to him. "We could start with this one," I say, a bit shocked at my daring.

A slow grin spreads over his face. "Good idea," he says just before he draws me to him and covers my mouth with his. He's kissed me before but this time it's like something has been unleashed. Before there'd been a reserve. Some control. But not this time. This kiss is jam packed with heat and passion. His big hands slide up and down my back before resting on my ass and giving both cheeks a firm squeeze.

I make a pathetic, needy moaning noise deep in my throat and cling to him. His body is all hard lines and heat. He tips my head back and plunders my mouth with his tongue and flames of longing snap, crackle and pop through my nerve endings. My entire body heats and tingles.

His mouth leaves mine and I whimper, my fingers digging into the breadth of his shoulders and holding him to me.

"Hush now," he says, and I imagine him using that same voice to settle a rambunctious horse. I'm not sure if that's sexy or not, but I sort of like it.

His mouth scorches a path along my throat and down to the neckline of my T-shirt. I groan again and writhe against him, annoyed by the shirt being in the way of his continued exploration.

"We've got all afternoon, darlin'," he husks against my throat, just below my ear. "I'm gonna take my time with you."

Oh Jesus.

I've never felt this sort of all-consuming need. It's made me crazed like some sort of animal in heat. My fingers are clawing at him as though I just can't get enough.

He takes hold of the hem of my T-shirt and tugs. I have to move away from him so he can slip it over my head.

"I've changed my mind," he says and it's like a bucket of cold water being thrown over me.
