Page 30 of Caleb

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I want to lie, but it feels like I've been lying to him so much—or omitting the truth—that I want to be honest now. "I-I thought you'd left," I say, my voice surprisingly shaky.

Caleb's gentle fingers caress my chin and then he leans down and kisses me. "I'm not going anywhere, darlin'. You can take that to the bank."



While Alex is in the shower I take out my phone.

Caleb:Probably won't be home for another day.

Midge:Do you need more condoms?

That was accompanied by a laughing until I cry emoji.

Caleb:That was very embarrassing, Midge!

Midge:Well, if I was so wrong, then bring them all home.

Damn her. I can't help but laugh, though. It was embarrassing as hell, but Alex took it in stride and I certainly can't complain about how things turned out.

Caleb:I'll see you tomorrow some time.

Midge:Bring her for dinner. I'm sure we'd all love to meet her.

I don't respond.

I really must tell Alex the truth. Taking her to dinner with my family tomorrow would be one way of cluing her in to who I am. And could scare the hell out of her. Now that Adam and Deacon are married and Deacon's got two kids, dinner is usually at least eight of us around the long table. Loud talking and laughter with an occasional argument. Every once in a while my sister Boone snaps one of us brothers with her napkin, though she's stopped doing that so often now that she's not the only girl at the table.

Laying back on the bed, I think about my family. I've been feeling sort of out of place lately but now that I reflect on it, I wouldn't want any other family but my own, quirks and all.

I wonder what Alex will think of them.

Of course, they'll love her. How could they not?

I blow out my breath. It's time to come clean.

"I'm all clean," Alex says, entering the bedroom. "Maybe next time, you'll join me in the shower." She drops her towel and I take in the perfection of her body. Creamy skin, rounded hips and breasts with pink tips. A sexy smile and beautiful eyes. Even her short spiky hair suits her. She's sort of a pixie who has enchanted me.

"Or you could join me in the bed," I say and draw back the blankets for her, "and get dirty again."

"You looked like you were deep in thought when I came in. Are you keeping secrets from me, Caleb?"

Am I that obvious? How did she know? Surely this is a sign, though. I clear my throat and turn to face her.

What do I say?Um, I know I haven't told you, but I'm rich.

Or,I'm not the Caleb you think I am.

While I'm deciding what to say, Alex scoots down to the lower half of the squeaky bed and takes my cock into her mouth.

Obviously, she doesn't feel like talking, so why should I ruin it?

* * *


I'm not sure what time it is, but I'm hungry. Caleb is in the shower and I'm poking around in the kitchen looking for something for dinner. We started the day with a picnic and sex outside, spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening fucking in various positions until the old bed nearly broke. Caleb made us a snack earlier but we need more than love and Eggo Waffles to keep us going.
