Page 32 of Caleb

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For a moment I study him and a few words and phrases start to form in my mind. "I think I will."

* * *


Alex and I sit on the porch eating popsicles after dinner. It reminds me of being back at North Starr Ranch and doing the same with my family.

"You said you used to write poetry but you haven't for a while. What happened?" I'm torn between wanting to know every little detail about her and trying not to pry. She's obviously very guarded about her privacy and I want to respect that. Not to mention that the more questions I ask about her, the fewer I'll be able to avoid when she starts turning the inquisitive tables on me.

She thinks for a minute, giving her popsicle a thorough tonguing that nearly makes me forget the question I asked her.

"Life," she shrugs. "Obligations. My job. The usual."

I nod. That's as much as I'm going to get out of her at the moment. But I can't help but press. "But now you've got a break to come here and try again."

"Yes," she says, then slants her eyes at me. "Though I've had a lot of distractions keeping me from my writing."

"Oh, so you're going to blame me?"

"Would you like me to blame someone else?"

Alex gets a dreamy look on her face, then she glances at me and sucks on her popsicle in a very suggestive way.

My cock responds and I'm thinking about substituting something else for that popsicle.

Alex's gaze zeroes in on my cock and she raises an eyebrow. She's insatiable.

So am I, at least as far as she's concerned.

"Wha—" she gasps, then jumps up from her chair.

I look in the same direction and can't help but laugh. The runaway kitten has returned and is sitting on the edge of the porch. It allows Allex to pick it up and she's snuggling the little ball of fuzz and gets her face inches away from his. Or hers. "Aren't you just the sweetest thing?" she coos and I hate to say it. but I'm jealous.

"Come on, I'll get you something to eat." Without a glance at me, she carries the kitten into the house. I follow and help her get a bowl of milk and some tuna for the little stray. I sneak a glance at the little critter and I'm glad to see that it seems healthy, just hungry. I also check and realize it's a female.

"Do you think she'll stick around?" Alex says. Her face is lit up and she's looking at the cat hopefully. "I haven't had a pet in forever."

"Really? No dog or even a goldfish?"

"Nope," she says, then turns away and it sure feels like she's avoiding any further questions about her life before she got here.

We spend the evening cuddling on the sofa watching an old movie with the kitten, now named Tammy, settled on Alex's lap and purring.

Alex's leaning against me and I've got my arm around her. I feel... content.

* * *


I find a box in the garage and put an old towel in it to make a bed for Tammy the kitty and she hops in with a contented purr.

"I guess it's time for us to go to bed too," Caleb says, coming up behind me and pulling me back against his hard body. He puts his face into the crook of my neck and takes a big inhale. He's done this a couple times. "You smell so good," he says and his words and nearness fill me with heat.

"I'm ready for bed too," I say. "Why don't you go and make sure the front door is locked and I'll finish up in the kitchen?" Gosh, it all sounds so domestic.And take out the trash and pick up the newspaper too.

Shows what I know about a normal domestic life. I don't even think people get a newspaper any more.

Caleb lets me go but not before he plants a kiss on the tender spot beneath my ear, sending goosebumps all over my arms. He heads out to check on the front door and I go to the kitchen where I sneak a peek at my cell phone. I see a missed call and two text messages from Nicco.
