Page 35 of Caleb

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And then I found out he was pretending to be someone else.

Aren't you doing the same thing?

Yeah, but I'm not trying to fool anyone.


Damn. I hate when I have these arguments with myself. And lose.

Now Caleb and I are alone and he looks so sad. His jaw is red but it's not swelling and he's able to move it. Considering Nicco's size and strength, that's a miracle.

Not that Caleb is a puny little guy by any means. I can attest to that personally, but Nicco takes burly to the next level.

"I'm so sorry," he says and the expression in his eyes tugs at my heart. "I-I wanted to tell you, so many times, but everything was going so well and I didn't want to spoil it." He looks out the window and shakes his head slowly from side to side. "I guess I messed that up. I should have known better." He turns back to me. "I meant what I said about falling for you, Alex." He rakes his hand through his hair.

"I don't know if this makes any sense to you, but all my life I've been known as a Starr. Not just regular old Caleb. Don't get me wrong. I love my family and I'm proud to be a Starr, but with my family owning the biggest ranch around, it was hard to know if people liked me for me, or for my family. Or money."

He sits on the edge of the bed and holds his hand out to me.

I'm so mad and hurt but I also realize that I've been doing the same thing and I've certainly wondered if people like me for myself or my fame and money. What I can do for them.

I take his hand and then sit next to him on the bed. He slips his arm around me, pulls me to him and kisses the top of my head. "I just hope you can forgive me. I did a horrible thing, but I truly am sorry."

"I can tell that you are. It was quite a shock, though. However, I think Nicco has punished you enough. Besides..." I draw in a deep breath for courage and pull away from him and turn so I'm looking him square in the face. "I haven't been totally honest with you either. I'm not a writer. Not really. My name is Alexandra Peebles, but most of the world knows me as Xandra, multi-platinum selling singer."

He stares at me for a moment, studying my face. Slowly recognition dawns on him. "The lavender hair," he says and I nod.

"Yes, all fake. That's what I was trying to get rid of that first day you stopped by. Everything that wasn't me. Alex. Not Xandra. I didn't even come up with that name. Some stupid publicist forThe Next Big Stardid and it got so popular, there was no going back."

I look at him and my heart swells with affection. Deep and profound affection. "The fame and stardom, it was like a huge tidal wave that I rode and rode for as long as I could. But I need a break. That's why I'm here."

He raises my hand to his mouth and kisses it.

"I guess we both have secrets," I say.

"And we're both rich." He laughs and shakes his head. "I was worried about a girl wanting me for my money and you've got more than me and world-wide fame too. Now that's ironic."

He draws me onto his lap and holds me and we both laugh, releasing the stress and anxiety of keeping secrets and then revealing them.

I rest my head on his chest. His heart beats beneath my ear. "I guess we were both kind of stupid."

"Stupid in love," he says and kisses the top of my short dyed hair.

* * *


Caleb:Bringing two guests for dinner.

Midge:Two? Holy cow. What kind of kinky stuff have you gotten into?

She includes two peach emojis and an eggplant.

I shake my head. Good Lord. Midge is just full of it lately.

Caleb:They are Alex and Nicco. Nicco is Alex's friend who just arrived.

Midge:Two guys?
