Page 47 of Caleb

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It's been a few days since Alex and Nicco took up residence at North Starr Ranch. There's been a bit of a truce between Nicco and Boone, though they continue to eye the other warily. If anyone can take on Boone, Nicco might be the one. It's given me a new perspective on the man who nearly broke my jaw.

Nicco went over to the cabin and got Alex's clothes as well as Tammy the kitten. Willow and James were smitten by the little fuzzball as soon as they saw her. She's still attached to Alex, but we haven't seen her much.

I've been keeping Alex busy to take her mind off of whatever might be happening in the rest of the world. Nicco seems glued to his phone for updates, but he's lightened up a bit in the last couple of days.

"Caleb," Alex says, coming to sit next to me on the sofa in my bedroom. Our bedroom. I like the sound of that. "I'm really getting stir crazy. I love the ranch and everyone has been so nice, but do you think we could go do something? Even just lunch or something? I know, I was hiding and didn't want anyone to find me, but I think the hype over that has passed. There's some new drama in the news, I'm sure of it."

I put my arm around her and draw her close, kissing the top of her head. "I think that sounds like a good idea. How soon do you want to go?"

"I can be ready in half an hour if I shower alone. Longer if we shower together." She gives me a sassy smile and trots off toward the en suite bathroom and I follow along, grab her and swing her around in my arms.

Ninety minutes later, we're on our way out the door when Nicco notices us leaving. He's got a room on the first floor and spends a lot of his time in the billiard room. Deacon and Adam seem to like him and I notice them all hanging out often. Nicco has been getting to know ranch life a bit as well.

"Where are you guys going?" he asks, suspiciously.

"We're going out to lunch," Alex says.

Nicco scowls.

"Look, Nicco, I appreciate all your concern but this is crazy. I just want to go and have lunch. It's been a long time and no one has any idea I'm here. I know you've been out scouting around the cabin and town and you haven't found anything, right?"

Nicco's shoulders, which had been hunched up around his ears, lowered slightly. "Fine," he said. "But I want to come along. Just to keep an eye on things. You two are so lovey-dovey, someone could walk right up and snatch you and neither of you would notice until it was too late."

"Hey," I protest. "I'm as concerned about Alex's safety as you are. Maybe more. Not that it's a contest," I add when the big brute starts to glare at me.

"Fine," Alex says, "you can come with us. Someone needs to keep an eye on you too."

"What's going on?" Boone strolls in, nods to me and Alex then gives Nicco a sneer.

"I'm taking Alex to the Trailhead Diner for lunch. Nicco's coming along. Care to join us?" I don't expect her to say yes, I ask just to taunt her, but to my surprise she agrees.

"Okay," Nicco says, "but we ought to take two cars so I can keep an eye out."

"Let me get my keys," she says, turning. "I'll be right back."

"I'm driving," Nicco calls after her, then rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Man, she is stubborn."

"Well," I say, trying not to laugh. "We'll go on ahead and get a table. See you there."

Alex and I manage to hold back our laughter until we're outside but then we both let loose.

"Oh my God," Alex says when she catches her breath. "Those two are hilarious. How long do you think it will take for them to realize they're perfect for each other?"

"It might take a bit longer than it took me to realize you were perfect for me. They're both too stubborn so it might take a while."

"Well, that will be entertaining to watch."

We get into the truck and head for the diner. Julie, the owner, greets us and takes us to a booth in the back. "Boone and a large man will be joining us," I tell Julie. "Maybe we ought to have a table instead of a booth."

She raises an eyebrow. "Boone and a large man. That should be interesting."

Julie shifts and takes us to a table for four. On the way, we pass a group of women having lunch. Mrs. Murphy the retired school librarian stops me. "How are the kids at Hope House doing? Now that I'm back from my Caribbean cruise, I'll be doing story time again."

"That's great," I reply, taking Alex's hand, but I can't get away so easily.
