Page 5 of Caleb

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I'd forgotten that he lived out this way and since I'm less glum, I turn into his driveway to say hello.

As I pull in, Caleb cocks his head and studies the old truck, though when I get out he smiles and comes my way. "Hey Caleb number two," he says. "Nice to see you. Didn't recognize you without your usual shiny new truck."

We shake hands and I realize how glad I am to see my old friend. "Um, I think we established that I'm Caleb number one and you are Caleb number two." He laughs. It's a joke we've been using since grade school.

"Come on in," he says, gesturing toward his house. "Brooke will be glad to see you."

"Oh man, you just had a baby, didn't you?" I feel like a jackass for forgetting. I guess that's what happens when you spend all your time feeling sorry for yourself.

"A boy. Guess what his name is?"


He grins and we go inside. Brooke is in the kitchen and gives me a big smile when I enter. "Caleb number two, so great to see you."

I give her a hug. "Congratulations on the baby. I'm sorry I didn't send a gift."

"Oh," she waves me off, "Midge, Kit, Boone and Lissy were all at my baby shower. Willow too. I think they've got you covered. Their gifts were all so generous. In fact, that's one of them." She gestures to a little thing on the table. It's sort of a half moon shape made from fabric and on a metal frame. It looks like a catapult with a baby strapped to it.

I'm glad to see that the gift is appreciated but it burns me to think that I've been lumped in with the collected womenfolk of North Starr Ranch. Nothing against them—and now I remember the stories when they came back from the baby shower a couple months ago—but, I'm a grown up. I can buy gifts.

So why didn't you?

I push that thought aside and go over to look at the baby decked out in blue. "Meet Caleb number three," the proud father says. "We call him Trip."

I laugh. "No shit?"

"Well, you'll remember that my dad's name is also Caleb. I'm a junior."

I put my finger out for the baby to grasp, then I see how greasy it is and pull my hand back and shove it in my pocket. "It's a good name," I say to the infant and he gives a toothless smile in reply.

"He's beautiful," I say, then I glance over at my childhood friends. They've made a baby. They've made a family and a home. Just the three of them. "I'm really happy for the two of you."

Caleb slips his arm around Brooke's waist. "Thanks," he says and Brooke smiles with pride.

"It's time for his nap, I'll be back in a minute. Don't go away, Caleb. Or you, Caleb." She laughs as she unhooks the baby and carries him off.

Caleb pours us each a glass of iced tea and hands me one. "Nap time," he says. "I love that little guy, but I also love nap time. It's the only time Brooke and I get some privacy."

I waggle my brows and he laughs.

"Yeah, it's not the big sexfest you're imagining. Kids change things. I just like being able to help her out with some chores or give her a back rub and make her take a nap too."

His face takes on a funny expression when he talks about Brooke. Devotion. Wonder.

Damn. I want to feel that too.

His phone buzzes and he looks down at it with a grimace. "Darn. Forgot about that."

"Problem?" I ask. I don't want to snoop.

"An old Army buddy of mine, Nicco, bought the cabin up the road and he asked me to keep an eye on it. He’s loaned it out to a friend of his. Says she’s here for a few weeks to write a book.” He shrugs. “I dropped off some groceries the other day before she arrived but he asked me to stop by and introduce myself. Let her know she can call me if she’s got any problems or maybe offer to do some errands.” He stands up. "I'd better run over there and take care of that. I’m guessing she’s older since one of the things he asked me to buy is hair dye. I had to have Brooke give me some tips about that."

“Hair dye? Can’t she go to a salon?”

He shrugs. “I guess she really doesn’t want to be disturbed. I was going to send her an email, but my buddy says she doesn’t have a smartphone and there’s no internet access at the cabin.”

“Wow, she must be old if she doesn’t have a smartphone. Should she even be left alone in that cabin?”
