Page 55 of Caleb

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"I am not nuts," Boone says. "But, I'll kick you in yours if I need to."

"Good one," Nicco says, giving her a smile. She smiles back.


"Okay, let's do this," Caleb says and steps away from the bed.

Todd comes close and aims his phone at my face. I try not to flinch away from the intrusion.

"Greetings everyone, this is Todd Tillerson, internet sleuth, with the scoop of the century. Based on my in-depth reporting and intrepid skills, I have located the missing songstress, Xandra. Hundreds of rumors have been circulating since she passed out on stage a few weeks ago. Many have speculated that she faked her illness. Others believe she was abducted by aliens." He glances to Caleb and Nicco when he mentions abduction by aliens and they both glare at him.

"However, I can report to all of my loyal viewers that Xandra is indeed under a doctor's care." He zooms in on me. "Those of you who have been following Xandra's career since her days onThe Next Big Star will recognize her even though she's not wearing the stage makeup or unicorn colored hair that has been part of her image recently. During my exclusive interview with the world-famous singer, she told me that she wanted to get back to her roots."

He chuckles at his joke and I force myself not to roll my eyes.

"Xandra," he says, "do you have a message for your fans?" Todd holds the phone in my direction and I clear my throat.

"Yes," I say, my voice choking with emotion. "I want my fans to know how much I love each and every one of them and I would never abandon them. I will be back on tour again soon and will honor all the tickets that have been purchased." I pause. "However, things will be a bit different. I'll be doing shows in smaller venues, where I can be close to the people who mean the most to me. My fans. Please stay tuned to Todd's channel for all the details."

"No more questions, the patient needs her rest." Deacon, decked out in a white doctor's coat and a mask over the lower half of his face, holds his hand out to Todd indicating that it's time for filming to stop.

"Just one more question," Todd says, but a look from Deacon makes him step back.

"You heard it here first. Xandra will be back on tour soon and you'll get all the latest details directly from me. Be sure to subscribe to be the first to know."

Todd stops filming and puts his phone down.

"Did you get everything?" Caleb asks.

Todd nods.

"Is it uploading?"

Todd holds up his phone and shows the video playing back on his channel.

"Good." Caleb grabs him by the scruff of his collar and drags him from the room. "Now get the hell out of here and don't come back unless I call you. Understand?"



"Right this way," Tom Hazlett, leads us to the conference room of Ponderosa Pass's largest law firm. I've spoken to him a couple of times about the situation. He's managed to get our family out of a variety of scrapes over the years, and even found Deacon's daughter Willow unexpectedly, so I am optimistic that he's got good news for us.

Alex is wearing a hat and keeps her head down. No one in the office has given her a second glance, though whether that's due to ambivalence or a warning from Tom, I have no idea. She's jumpy as a rabbit in a carrot patch, but I've got hold of her hand and give it a squeeze.

Tom closes the conference room door behind us and we all sit down. He finally gives Alex a good look and a bit of surprise crosses his face. Maybe he thought I was insane when I told him that I was bringing superstar Xandra to his office. It is a shocking development, so I guess I can't blame him. I forget about her fame because to me, she's Alex, the sweet, funny, smart woman I love. And she's a hell of a good singer.

"I'm pleased to meet you Miss... um..."

"Please, call me Alex," she says and gives him a million-dollar smile that puts him at ease.

I've known Tom for a few years and I've never seen him flustered, but he sure seems starstruck by Alex. Well, he ought to be. She's fabulous.

I clear my throat and Tom stops staring at Alex and opens the file in front of him. "I have some good news for you."

Alex gasps and sits up straight. "Really?"

"Yes," he replies. "I looked over this contract that you signed with the production company after you won The Next Big Star. I was a big fan of yours that season, by the way."
