Page 65 of Deadly Seduction

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“What happened?” Alaric asks.

“I wasn’t there,” I lie. “Callen killed him. I only saw the body.”

“We’re going to kill them all,” Alaric growls. “Starting with Sebastian tonight.”

I open my mouth to make an excuse about finding more information when a giant bang behind us makes the three of us spin around.

What the fuck is happening?



Igo to follow Rose, not wanting to leave her alone for the second time tonight.

“Sebastian,” Spencer approaches as if he can sense I’m about to leave. His fingers dig into my arm to keep me in place. He’s paying thousands for our protection. “Why don’t you join me for a drink?”

The last time I left a mark unattended, someone poisoned him, but I can’t lose Rose. She’s too important. I’d choose her. I’d always choose her.

Suddenly, there’s a blinding flash of light. A deafening bang sends me flying. I shield my eyes and stagger to my feet. Dust and smoke fill the courtyard, blurring my vision. Screams come from all directions. Women in tattered ballgowns wail and hold onto their skirts as they run, not caring about their hair falling out of place.

“A bomb!”

“They’re dead!”

While Spencer sprints in the opposite direction to the fiery blaze that threatens to consume the manor, I run towards it.

“Rose?” I yell, fighting against the flow of people trying to escape. “Rose!”

Panic takes over. I see bodies. Some are moving, others lie motionless on the floor. I squint through the rubble to see what’s left of Lord McGowan. There’s no saving him. He appears to have taken the brunt of the blast, and his arms are bloody stumps.

“Rose!” I shout again desperately, looking around wildly. “Rose!”

But she’s nowhere to be seen…
