Page 69 of Deadly Obsession

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“It’s a risk you’ll have to take,” Ivy says.

“Not unless we kill you first…”



Iwant to leave her locked up in this hellhole, alongside my feelings for her. However, Ivy’s right. She is the best chance we have at getting out, and from the look of Bram’s injury, he needs to see a doctor immediately.

“No one’s killing anyone,” I say through gritted teeth, tempering Callen’s murderous rage. “If you even think about crossing us—”

“We don’t have time for this conversation,” she bites, stepping out of the cell and tugging Bram after her. “We need to move.”

She pushes past me. I step over the woman’s unconscious body and hope we haven’t made a mistake by leaving a witness behind.

“Fuck,” Callen says. “Do you hear that?”

The lift is being summoned to another floor.

“Come on!” Ivy calls, breaking into a run.

Bram limps along after her like a lost puppy. When we get out, we’ll help him through whatever form of Stockholm syndrome he’s going through.

Ivy takes us through the maze of corridors and up a few staircases. I only get a quick glance at the rooms we pass but see weapons and training areas. Begrudgingly, I have to admit this is one of the best operations I’ve ever seen.

“This way!”

She leads us to a heavy-duty silver door and turns the handle. My gun is already out, pointed at her head as she pushes the door open. She pauses, feeling the weapon pointing at her through an innate sixth sense, and turns to look at me. She raises her eyebrows. “Really?”

“You can’t be too careful,” I seethe.

She continues into an underground garage where rows of cars are waiting. There’s everything from sports cars to bullet-proof jeeps.

“Joy riding,” Callen comments. “Nice.”

“Just hurry up and pick a fucking car,” she growls. “The keys are already in the ignition.”

My anger surges at her authoritative tone. Who does she think she is? This is our mission. We’re here to rescue Bram, and she’s tagging along for a free ride because she’s fallen out of favour with her friends. Clearly, she upset the Killers Club to be locked up like a prisoner, unless it’s another act.

When we first met, I wanted to wrap my arms around her and take her to bed, desperate to hear her moan my name and draw every last drop of pleasure from her. Now I want to wrap my arms around her pretty throat and make her beg for my forgiveness.

Suddenly, a male voice comes from behind us as I open the door of a sleek, black Land Rover.


I spin to see him pointing his gun at Callen.

He has a distinct scar over his neck, and wires dangle out of his arms like he’s broken out of a hospital.

Callen smirks, rising to his bait, and pulls out his gun just as fast. “Are you always this welcoming to your guests?”

“Don’t!” Ivy jumps in front of Callen to stand between them in the line of fire. I don’t know who she’s trying to protect. “Jonathon—just let us go, okay?”

Jonathon’s eyes narrow into bloodthirsty slits. “You know I can’t do that.”

He aims for her head and shoots. So much for loyalty. The bullet hurtles through the air, and Bram springs into action. He dives forward to push her out of the way, and the bullet plunges into his bare chest.

No… he can’t…

Ivy’s scream makes the hairs on my arms stand on end, and I let rip a roar, acting before Callen has the chance. I empty my rounds into Bram’s attacker with no mercy. I keep going even after he falls to the ground. No more second chances.

Meanwhile, Bram staggers on his feet, holding onto the bonnet of a nearby car for balance. He sways for a few seconds and drops. Ivy crawls across the ground from where she landed to his side.

She pulls his head onto her lap, cradling him in her hands. This was supposed to be a rescue mission. We found him alive. We can’t lose him at the last hurdle.

Bram’s chest heaves, his breathing growing ragged. They share a meaningful look, but whatever she sees on his face angers her.

“No!” she screams. Desperate tears fill her eyes, but she refuses to let them fall. “You’ve saved me once before; now it’s my turn to save you.”

Find out what happens next inDeadly Passion…
