Page 13 of Xalan Claimed

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I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose. “Something you can doalonewhile I work.”

This time he actually spent a few moments in thought, and I hoped he’d come back with a workable hobby that I could scramble together before clocking in for the day.

“I wish to read those.”

He pointed at the shelves of books behind me, and I cringed. There wasn’t anything there that wasn’t at least a little bit smutty—no fade to black inmyhouse, thank you! The only problem was that meant he’d probably be ready for another go when I got done with work, and I wasn’t sure if my poor pussy could take it. “You want to read some books? I mean, I can run to the store and grab some books if you give me maybe a genre to start with. Do you like science? History? Fiction?”

Q’on shook his head. “I wish to read those books. The ones you keep.”

Great. How am I getting out of this one? “Will the nanites translate the written words, too?”

“Yes. All of your language is mine; the nanites just need time to give me the words. I might be slow to read them, but I very much wish to read these books. You have them in a place of honor in your home; this means they are special to you, so I wish to read them.”

Even before Ryan, no human guy had ever bothered to show an interest in my preferred reading material. Ryan especially thought it was all trash, so to have a male now almost begging to read what I read was—weird. Kinda surreal. I half expected him to burst out laughing as he revealed the joke he was playing on me.

“Oh. Okay. Well, have at it, then. There are tons to choose from.”

He walked up to the closest bookshelf and paused. “Which is your favorite?”

That stopped me. Was he for real? “Um. Hmm … I mean, I like all of them, obviously, or I wouldn’t keep them. It kind of depends on my mood. Some of them I like to reread from time to time. Is that what you mean?”

“You enjoy reading the same story again?”

I shrugged. “Sometimes. It’s a little comforting to reread old favorites.” I reached around him and picked several of my go-to comfort reads. “Like these. I like all of these so much I often read them again and again.”

“Excellent!” He grabbed the books and took them back with him to the couch, hugging them to his chest.

I couldn’t help but smile as I watched him. The pure joy he radiated at being able to read the books I liked was so cute, and the sight of him inspecting the covers to pick his first one was equally adorable. I left him in the living room, happily selecting some reading material, and went back to the kitchen to clean up my shattered coffee mug and brew a new cup before starting my workday.

Tickets came in fast and heavy that morning, and by the time lunch came around I had a headache from dealing with the less-tech-savvy customers. One elderly woman didn’t know what a mouse was, and another customer yelled at me because his cat chewed through his Ethernet cable. After spending a solid two hours walking him through connecting to his wi-fi, I logged off my work portal and pushed back from my desk, exhausted already. I decided more coffee was in order, and I could stand to make a sandwich or two. In all the excitement of the morning, I'd forgotten to eat anything for breakfast.

Q’on was nose-deep in a super-steamy book when I walked through the living room on the way to the kitchen. Judging from the state of his cock—Ireallyneeded to run to the store to grab him some pants—he was enjoying what he read.

I leaned against the counter while the coffee brewed and looked out the window onto the lake. The water remained undisturbed, showing no signs of the events of the previous night. I breathed a sigh of relief, but almost choked on it when a boat appeared from around a bend of trees at the shoreline.

A boat with three men in dark suits on it, along with some dudes in SCUBA gear.

“Q’on?” I called out into the living room. “Um … How secure is your ship?”

He appeared a few seconds later, book still in hand. “It is quite secure. I was able to activate the cloaking mechanisms and security systems when I went out there last night. Why do you ask?”

I pointed out the window. “Because the feds who were asking about the crash this morning are about to search the lake for it.”

This dude was unimpressed. He shrugged and flipped to the next page. “They will not find it.”

I grabbed the book and pulled it down, forcing him to look at me. “Do you know what my kind does to aliens? We’re vicious. If they catch you, they’ll dissect you while you’re still awake just to find out how you work! You shouldn’t just brush it off.”

He frowned at my interruption but dutifully put the book down. “I do not wish to alarm you, Amber. I have researched your human technology and scanned the surrounding area. They do not have anything that can penetrate my shields, nor anything that is capable of detecting the ship while it is cloaked. I am safe.”

My heart sank as the divers entered the water, and I hoped for his sake he was right.

Chapter 8


Against my better judgment, I left Q’on alone in the house after work while I ran to the store for provisions. He needed pants, and I needed more food in the house.

My pulse raced the whole time I was gone. Even though he promised not to go near any windows or open the door for anyone, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something would happen to him without me there to run interference on the feds. I snatched piles of sweatpants and jeans without even looking at the tags, hoping something in there would fit his warrior physique. I even grabbed several packs of men’s white undershirts, figuring my pussy would behave if he was covered. That little cunt wanted to just open up any time he was around, parading his nakedness, and I didn’t need that distraction.
