Page 28 of Xalan Claimed

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Okay, so that was a lie. Q’on had a good fifty, sixty pounds of solid muscle on Ryan, and he had the benefit of being raised in a society where physical “prowess” was still a practiced art. Ryan couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag. He’d only ever been in bar brawls and fistfights, no real combat experience to speak of. He hadn’t even joined the military after high school. A loser through and through, there’s no way he could pose a serious threat to Q’on.

Q’on paused as if to ponder my words. “Okay. He is sober now. I can go fight him on even ground.”

He stood up off the couch, and I jumped to stop him. “Q’on, no! Don’t let him free just to beat him up again!”

For a brief second, I worried he wouldn’t listen. He was halfway to the back door when he stopped in his tracks, his shoulders drooping. “Fine. I won’t fight him, but only because you ask me not to.” He turned back to me, his yellow eyes glowing. “His safety is by your grace.”

I didn’t miss the unspoken threat there. If I gave him even an inch of leeway in this, he’d stomp Ryan into the pavement without a second thought. It should have concerned me, but instead I felt safer than I ever had. If Ryan somehow got free, I knew Q’on would take care of him before he had a chance to lay so much as a finger on me. It was a comforting thought.

“C’mon. Let’s play a different game. MaybeOlympus Fallenjust isn’t the game for you.”

Q’on scowled, but he came back to the couch and picked up my controller. “You cannot play now. I have damaged the other set of buttons.”

I shrugged and swapped out the discs. “It’s okay. Probably better this way. I’ll just kind of coach you from the sidelines. How does that sound? That way I’m not getting in your way, and you’re free to explore the game on your own without comparing your gameplay to mine.”

“You don’t mind? You said you wanted something for us to do together.”

“Yeah, but it’ll be fine. I’ll order another one to come in tomorrow.”

We took turns with the remaining controller for a couple of hours, then had lunch. Q’on wanted to cook me something else from his planet, but I wasn’t feeling quite that adventurous. I vetoed his offer and just made us some sandwiches with cold cuts from the fridge. Q’on ate three on his own, and I had one. At this rate, I was going to need to make another grocery trip soon. I guess Xalanites required more calories than humans. He was patient enough to wait until I made a meal to eat, but he devoured tons of food at a time. I wondered if he was getting hungry in between meals.

“You’re getting enough food here, right? You’d tell me if you were hungry …”

Q’on wiped some mayo off his chin with a napkin and let out a loud belch. “Yes. I am quite sated with the meals you provide.”

I raised a suspicious brow and frowned. “You’re just being polite, aren’t you?”

That brought out a grin. “I have food from my ship to eat when you are between meals. I will not starve.”

I remembered theyinhe let me taste. “More snacks?”

“Yes. Snacks.”

Since he wasn’t complaining, I decided to drop the subject. As long as he knew he could come to me if he needed more food, I was okay with it, though I suspected he would still snack when I wasn’t looking to supplement what I fed him.

I realized how rusty I was at this girlfriend stuff, and it saddened me a bit. I should have known how to entertain a man with other activities than TV and sex, and I should have made sure he was well-fed and taken care of. Was this maybe part of why Ryan cheated? Did I just suck as a mate in general? Q’on wasn’t complaining, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t doing something fundamentally wrong.

My doubts nagged at me through the afternoon and into dinner. I became quiet and withdrawn, and it took Q’on cornering me in the kitchen afterwards to get me to admit what was wrong.

“You are not yourself,” he said as he stood with his arms on either side of me, his palms pressed into the countertop. We were so close that I couldn’t breathe without my chest brushing against his. My heart thumped beneath my ribcage, and a heady rush ran through me. I had to remind myself that I was trying to think up ways to interact besides fucking, but his strange musky scent filled my nostrils and weakened my resolve.

“I’m fine,” I lied.

Q’on scowled. “You are not. Something troubles you.” He brushed a lock of hair behind my ear and leaned in even closer. “Tell me. I am your mate. Your troubles are mine.”

With much reluctance, I laid it all out, admitting my failings as a girlfriend to this alien Adonis. I paused when done, waiting for the inevitable shoe to drop.

I don’t know what I expected his reaction to be, but pure, unbridled passion wasn’t it.

He lifted me onto the counter in one smooth motion, stepping between my legs and pressing his hips to mine. His hard cock rubbed my clit as he bent to kiss me. Those firm scaled lips devoured me with fervor, and a low rumbling began in his chest, almost like the purr of a cat.

“You have no failings as a mate, my love,” he whispered against my lips. He pushed my robe off my shoulders, exposing my breasts. “You are perfection embodied, and if anyone has failed here, it is me. I have failed to show you how much I love you, how my body and soul crave your presence and your touch more with every passing second, regardless of what human activities we do.”

I opened my mouth to respond, but he filled it with his tongue before I could get a word out.

Chapter 15

