Page 10 of Never Moving On

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"Aw, the rapist has mommy original." I smirk in triumph when he frowns at me. Clearly, I hit a sore spot.

My internal dance of victory is short-lived.

His eyes darken, the snarling monster rising to the surface. "Looks like it's time for a nap."

Then he's on me, shoving a nasty fucking rag into my face. I scream and buck against him to no avail, fear driving my body to do anything to stay awake. My eyes burn, and my limbs go slack, forcing the fight out of me. Kyle's face tilts in my vision just as black spots start to flit across my eyesight.

I reluctantly fall into the darkness, leaving my body behind in the hands of my kidnapper.

Wow...I'm a far cry away from the scared little girl I used to be. This time I'll fucking fight this asshole.


"Let's fucking go!"

Look, I understand that we are up really damn early, but what I don't understand is why they aren't itching to rush out the door like I am. We need to get our asses on the road, like yesterday.

Smith said to leave today around the same time that he did, so we would be near him if anything came up. Fucking stupid. We could have already found her by now if we had left when I wanted to, right after we left his damn office.

Kyle had the whole day yesterday to put another eight hours between us and our girl. Just as I'm starting to get worked up again, my phone vibrates in my back pocket, where it's leaning against our SUV.

DSmith:Got a call. He was spotted at a gas station yesterday afternoon. Head there. I'll send the address.

Clicking on the address, I pull up the directions. Thirteen fucking hours away. Knowing that there are other agents and a whole group of people out there following these leads makes me a little less murdery. But being at the back of the caravan is not where I want to fucking be.

We should be at the head of the search party, hunting this asshole to his grave. We should be the ones leading the way to our girl.

An orb of raw emotion steals my next breath. Tipping my eyes skyward, I despise the burn of tears that threaten to fall. Eve needs me to be strong. I don't have time to cry right now. Balling my fists, my jaw ticks as I flex my muscles, trying to activate something other than this gut-wrenching guilt and fear.

"Coming!" Ryan's holler draws my focus to the front door. Out walks the guys, all carrying their forms of luggage and dressed in simple cozy outfits.

I swallow back my annoyance and attempt to flatten out my pursed lips. We have a long road ahead of us...too many miles between us and our woman. Starting this journey off with anger is not the best idea...I know that. Four of us stuck in a car together for days on end is bound to get a little tense; no sense in starting now.

"Get in," I rumble, uncrossing my tattooed arms.

They toss their bags in the hatch and hustle to get their asses in the car, undoubtedly picking up on my need to leave before something else breaks. Hopping in the driver’s seat, I look over at my brother next to me with a questioning look. He gives me a solemn nod, his silent way of telling me that it's go-time.

My eyes trail to the rearview mirror; what I see has my chest constricting. Ryan's head is resting on Nolan's shoulder; his bloodshot eyes are lined with purple signs of exhaustion. Nol's fingers trail through his boyfriend's blonde locks, attempting to offer some comfort.

Ry has slowly been dimming since Eve was taken three days ago, and it's been wreaking havoc on our family. We all fell into our roles seamlessly because who we are just fits with one another. Without our little fighter...some of those roles have been shaken.

Nol has stepped up as a strong presence for Ry whenever he can, but we have all watched him crumble under our new reality. My brother gets lost zoning off into space, and I can barely hold my temper in check anymore.

So much is wrong.

"Get some sleep," I murmur to the broken men around me. "I got this for now."

Their eyes shoot to mine, finding I speak the truth. I'll be the strong one and watch over them for now; all they need to do is relax.

"Thank you," they all whisper and close their eyes.

We're coming, Eve. Just hold on a little longer.

Chapter 5


Groaning at the aching muscles in my neck, I slowly lift my head to take in my surroundings—another dingy-ass motel.
