Page 4 of Never Moving On

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Hell came calling, and I rolled over like a good Pet with my tail tucked between my legs.

The dog joke has my chest heaving harder, reminding me of Ryan. My golden retriever who likes to bite a dominant happy man. I miss him so damn much... I miss all of them. I would give anything to be back in their arms right now.

My sorrow and horror swiftly boil over into rage and determination. I hiccup; my tears tucking themselves away for now. My harsh breathing and stuttering breath even out, settling at my decision that I will do everything in my power to make my way back to my family. I will endure anything I have to if only to see them one more time.

I was worth fighting for the first time, a small ember in the ashes. And now? Now there's a whole damn family of flames roaring to be reunited surrounding me. I will fan them any way I fucking can to join them into the blazing inferno they are meant to be.

I jolt awake to the sound of a slamming door and strain to hold back the vomit wanting to join me in the tight space when the car sways.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

I try to keep my breathing steady as my ears stress to figure out what's going on outside. The scuffs of footsteps slowly fade away. My hand twitches, causing shock to shoot through me. I hadn't been able to move the last time I was awake.

Testing out my limbs again, I find I can wiggle around a bit since I'm not tied up. Pins and needles stab my bare feet and calves from being shoved into a tiny fucking trunk for God knows how long.

Small space... before I can well and truly descend into panic, the sound of jingling keys has me tensing up. Instincts of flight or fight are in overdrive, both responses reacting on rapid fire. I will do whatever I have to in order to get back to my family.

Scrambling as far back into the trunk as I can, I bite down on the whimper that wants to rip from my throat when my hair gets caught under my elbow—the taste of copper floods my mouth from biting back the sounds trying to escape.

I just want my guys... Nolan, Amiri, Korren, Ryan. I just want my family.

A sob bursts free without my permission just as the trunk gets thrown open. A scream peals from my abused lips as my legs flail, trying to fight off my attacker who's dragging me from the trunk.

It's weird. There are moments in life when you hate the spot you are in... but when something else presents itself, you will fight like hell to keep the previous option.

This trunk was fucking vomit worthy... and now I would rather suffer in its small space than be anywhere near Kyle.

"Fuck. Sit fucking still, cunt." His nasal voice makes me sick as his grubby hands latch onto my calves. The fires of hell have nothing on the horrific burn that this pedophile's hands do.

"Don't touch me!" I'm shocked at how strong my voice comes out as I flail. I scream, my back ripping across the bumper; pain sears my senses, keeping me in the moment.

"Shut up."

My ass collides with the sandy pavement; the air rushing out of my strangled lungs. At this moment, I'm glad I didn't cut my hair more than I did. It serves as a shield that protects me from the horrors the world has to offer.

Peeking through the black strands... there's nothing. Absolutely nothing except a black fucking Camry in the dead of the night. The stars overhead mock me with their cheery twinkle while the frigid night air steals the breath from my lungs.

December has fallen, and in the desert, nights get really fucking cold. My teeth chatter, unable to gather my bearings. We are in the middle of fucking nowhere, my feet are bare, and I'm still in my open-back dress from the trials. At least my hair fell from its pony, leaving me at least some semblance of a blanket.

The scuffle of his pristine shoe has me jerking away. "Now listen here, Pet." I gag at the name he gave me all those years ago. "We are getting as far away as fucking possible. You are going to be a good little girl until I can get us to our new home."

"Home will never be with you," I growl out the words, my eyes locked onto the orbs of grey I would love nothing more than to stick a fork into. A swift kick to the ribs has me curling in on myself again, making spittle fly as I cry out in pain.

"Ah, ah," he mocks in a cheery tone. Crouching, he grips my chin in a painful grasp. "Have all these months apart made you forget everything you learned?" He tisks at me, his greasy face set in mock disappointment.

"Fuck you," I grit out through my clenched jaw. I am not the same little girl he remembers. I may have frozen and panicked, but that doesn't mean that's all I'm capable of. No. These past five months have made me so much more than a girl who is overrun by her trauma. This woman has a life she has to get back to... and honestly... this can't be much worse than the first time he had me.

The fact that he's trying to get me as far away from the guys as possible, makes my anxiety twitch with unease, but this girl just pulled up her big bitch panties. Traveling with Kyle means there will be more opportunities for me to try to escape. Fucking sucks that it will have to be in the middle of butt fuck nowhere, but it's all I got. So, I'll make do.

An evil smile stretched his face. "Mmm, I'm going to enjoy breaking you in again. It was much more fun when you put up a fight, don't you think?" Before I can tell him to eat a dick, he leans in and licks my fucking face.

"Ugh!" I attempt to scramble away from him, but whatever drugs he pumped me up with are still in effect. Everything feels like Jello. Like one of those damn nightmares where your legs won't let you run away from the monster that's chasing you.

A swift slap across my cheek has me seeing stars... and not the ones above me. "Shush now." He leans back a tad, baring his teeth at me in some fucked up form of a smile. "We are going to get a room at a hotel down the road."

My heart pitter-patters with hope, only to be swiftly shut down when he tilts his head. "Now if anyone asks, you've just had a little too much to drink,daughter." His vile statement is punctuated by shoving a dirty cloth in my face.

I scream and buck my hips, trying to get him off me, but it's useless. I already inhaled whatever the fuck was in the fabric. As my mind starts to dim and my muscles loosen, I hear the demon say, "Sleep now; Daddy will take care of you." The last thought I have before darkness claims me is,fuck that kink.
