Page 15 of Just You & Me

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"I'm here to apologize for scaring you, Rylee." My jeans tighten when she raises an eyebrow at me, waiting for me to get on with it. "I'm so sorry. I came to get Gabby because I was worried she was with some random guy."

"And if she was?"

I stutter, "W-what?"

"What does it matter if she was with some random guy? Pixie is clearly an adult and can make her own decisions." I go to interrupt, but she continues with a wave of her hand. "You're lucky she wasn't with someone who was in love with her. If I was someone's partner and their so-called brother swooped in and did that; I would have laid them on their ass."

Wait. So, she's not mad about me frightening her. She's mad on behalf of Gabby?

"Careful, Mr. Jones. Siblings can be fleeting, too. And I personally wouldn't want to miss out on a sister like Gabby."

What the actual fuck? This is not the woman I saw yesterday.

"Anything else?" Her hand grips the door again, clearly ready to boot me from her rental.

"I uh…" That about sums it up. Panic surges when the door starts to close. I don't think before I shove my foot in the way. "Rylee—"

Fuck. Her nostrils flare, and her shoulders shove back. "Mr. Jones, I would also suggest respecting the boundaries that people set. You may own this building, but I'm asking you to leave."

"You were shaking!" Okay, clearly, this woman has me twisted up inside because I can't control anything coming out of my mouth. "I came to pick up my sister, and there you were, afraid and inching away from me."

She scowls, drawing my attention to a sparkly nose ring in her right nostril. "Are you even listening to me? I said to respect people's space, and you stepped foot into my home, radiating alpha douchebag vibes. Excuse me for being concerned about the men shoving their way into my living room after yelling at the woman they supposedly care about."

The door begins to close again, making me rush out the only words I have. "You're right. Fuck, Rylee, you're right, okay?" Releasing the door at last, she crosses her arms, and I fight like hell not to stare at the soft roundness of her breasts. "I'm sorry, and I plan on apologizing to Gabby as well. Jude too. We were wrong to react like that, and I never want to make anyone feel as uncomfortable as I did you."

A frown creases her blonde brows at the mention of Jude, but I ignore it. She's probably wondering why the name sounds familiar. He begged to come with me, but I told him it might overwhelm Rylee. He reluctantly agreed and let me go after deciding he would apologize to her later.

"Alright, thank you for your apology. I promise not to cause any trouble and will look out for Gabby for the few months we are here."


"Few months?"

The look she shoots me makes me feel really fucking stupid. "I thought you owned this property? Yeah, a few months. I've picked up the final few months of the previous tenant's lease." It's a statement, but the lilt at the end suggests my naivety is confusing her.

"I-Yeah. I own multiple properties, but I have people running the details." I have never felt more fucking ridiculous in my life. "You won't renew at the end of the previous lease?" My tone is low key pleading, and if Marcus was here, he would be bent over laughing.


"Where are you moving to?"

"Who knows? Maybe Texas or Rhode Island." Her vague response instantly makes my blood boil.

"What?" I barely contain my snap of emotion. "Why?"

"Well, Mr. Jones, that is none of your business, now is it?" Rylee's tone is sickly sweet, and the twist of her lips promises a lashing if I continue my prodding.

"Mommy, are you okay?" I didn't notice the little one crouching on the stairs behind her until she spoke up.

Rylee's back snaps straight, and her vicious smile turns tense at the sound of her daughter's voice.

"It was good to meet you. Have a good day, Mr. Jones."

"Please call me—" I'm cut off by the door slamming in my face. Not long after, multiple locks clank.

It's hard to keep my head held high after that interaction. I definitely fucked up.

