Page 2 of Just You & Me

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"Thank you, Gabby. Do I need to sign anything?"

Bright hair sways with a shake of her head. "Nope. You took care of all of that online, and we have all the paperwork I need. Also, your ID matches your face, so all set!" Bending at the waist, she wiggles her fingers. "See you later, sweetheart."

Then she's gone in a flash. I wouldn't have been surprised if she left fairy dust and rainbows in her wake.

Shit.I'm being way too bitchy even for my own mind to deal with. The prospect of unpacking and settling in is already exhausting me.

"Gosta pee, Mommy."

It's like a sparkle of light breaks through my dark aura, brightening my smile until it becomes achingly real. "Let's go, Bug!" Dropping to a knee, I snag her little arm and loop it around the front of my neck. "Oof! You are getting so big," I tease when her little body hops up onto my back with a giggle of joy.

"YAH!" A snort slips free when her sandaled foot gently nudges my side, urging me on like a steed. "Make the noise, Mommy."

"Neigh!" I giddy up with a skip to the door before unlocking it. My sweet girl barely holds her bladder in check as I rush her through the home in search of a toilet for her to do her business.

With her tiny arms wrapped gently around my neck and silly antics, my heart swells with glee. Even if we don't stay long, we will make the best memories.

With Layla by my side, elation is an easy feeling to melt into.

* * *

Sweat. So much sweat.

My savior comes hustling into the living room, donning a polka-dotted green one-piece suit and goggles. "Swimming!" I tilt my head, taking in my precious little blondie, and cringe when a drop of sweat stings my eye.

Hopping to my feet, I boop her nose. "What a good idea. Are you hungry?" Layla bats my hand away and scrunches her face up in indignation. Trusting that I won't poke her again, she tilts her head just like I do, truly thinking about my question.

“A little.” Her furrowed brows tell me she’s worried I will cancel beach plans. I drop a kiss on her head and hold out my hand for hers.

“Let’s try to pee, then we can stop for a snack.” Her owl eyes light up, making me rush the reminder out, “Pee first!”

Once I’ve nudged her into my ensuite, I scramble through one of my bags of clothes, trying to find a swimsuit. Only finding a two-piece, my tummy cramps with anxiety.I really wish I could find something with more coverage.

Gripping the tiny coral fabric in my hands, I quickly change and throw a white dress over it that isn’t drenched in sweat. Just as I walk out of my closet, Bug exits the bathroom and points to the toilet.

“I peed. Come look.” I give her a soft smile and check to make sure that she did, in fact, use the potty.

"Good job, baby! Go ahead and flush."

After she accomplishes her task, she rises on her stepstool to look into the mirror with me. "Can we match?" A contemplative look crosses her features as she tugs on her shoulder-length curls.

"Space buns?"

My heart skips a beat when her feet lift off the step stool in a thrilled jump. "Yes! Space buns, please."

"Layla, be careful, please." My words are soft but firm. I won't hesitate to guide her when she is endangering herself. For a five-year-old, she is very independent and trustworthy, making being a single mom much easier. But she's still so fragile, with so much to learn.

"Sorry." Her sheepish look and apology stabs at the guilt inside of me before I give her cheek a raspberry.

A short time later, I lock up behind us with a beach bag slung over my shoulder. We’re both rockin' a pair of space buns on top of our heads, and we even found Layla her own white dress to go over her swimsuit.

Time to see what our new city has to offer.



Muscles bunch beneath the tight fabric, followed by a huff of laughter.He’s caught me staring.Stifling a groan, I shuffle in my booth seat, trying to alleviate the tightness in my shorts.

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