Page 5 of Just You & Me

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I wonder if it was a conscious decision to do that. I would hate it if she really felt like she needed to protect me. Layla’sfive. Never once did she step between Mason and me when he was getting violent.

"Here!" She shoves a stick into my palm, forcing away the wayward thoughts. "You be a princess, okay?"

"Okay, and who are you, Bug?" Her tiny first displays a rock, and by the gleam in her eyes, she's pretty proud of her find too.

"A queen!" She nods to herself before dragging the tip of her rock in between each sandcastle she made.

I follow her lead in delivering treasure to other princesses in the neighborhood and bite my tongue when she scolds me for doing something wrong. It's Layla's game; she makes the rules, and to hell with technicality.

Five-year-old minds are fascinating when you aren't trying to shove them into a box you think makes sense.

My stomach rumbles a short time later, and a check of the time tells me we have been here for a few hours. I take a relaxing breath before broaching the subject of leaving.

"Mom, I'm hungry."Oh, that makes this easier.

I swipe a dusting of sand off her shoulder. "Me too. Let's get home and have a pizza. We will come back again soon, promise." Her response is a yawn and a shuffle to put her dress back on. "Did you have fun at the ocean, sweetie?"

Layla's features brighten. "I did! I really loved the water." She frowns. "The waves were a little scary, though. I don't want to go out too far, okay?"

Hoisting our stuff over my shoulder, I grab her outstretched hand and begin our trek back to the car. "Yeah, we won't go out far. Good plan." She beams at the praise and recognition. "I'm so glad you had fun. You were perfect today, Layla. I'm so proud of you."

I never hesitate to reinforce her wonderful behavior. No child of mine will ever have to wonder how I feel about them. I will never hold back positivity and love from Layla.

"Can I skip?"

I nod. "Stay close, okay? Can you tell me the rules?" I crouch and boop her nose, waiting for her to show me she remembers what to do when she's not right next to me.

Since this is a new city, especially after a day of fun, I need the reassurance.

The nod and wide-eyed look she gives me is pure focus. "You say yellow; I come closer. When you say red, I come grab your hand. Oh! And always stay where you can see me!"

I offer her a proud nod and a smooch on the cheek. "Exactly. Go skip. I'll follow."

With a hoot, she kicks up sand in her wake of clumsy half skips-half jogs. I take a moment to dust off my knees and scan the area around us. A couple lying on the beach quite a ways away doesn’t send any red flags through my mind.

Neither does the surfer about ten yards away from me. His dirty blonde hair and tanned muscles threaten to ensnare my attention, but I shake it off and attempt a graceful walk through the sand behind Layla.

"She's adorable!"

"Ah!" I jerk away from the voice that is way too close for comfort. I drop my beach bag and pray that Bug didn't hear my shout. Hand clutched to my heaving chest, I whirl on the surfer, who I deemed safe not a moment before.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you!" A six-pack of abs and a head graced with shaggy beach waves stand in front of me, handing over my bag that I dropped.

He's jacked.

I'm fucked.

"It's fine. We were just leaving." Be a bitch, and the Adonis will walk away. It worked at the coffee shop; it will work again.

"Is that your little girl?" Golden brown eyes twinkle with humor as they track Layla. Caution skidders down my spine, eyes settling on her when she crouches and drags her fingers through the sand.

"Yes." I nod, narrowing my eyes on him and angling my body so I can keep Layla in my peripheral.

The frown he gives me is there one moment and gone the next, replaced with a warm look of understanding. And... heat? Goosebumps follow as his gaze travels the length of my body.

Just as I go to step away, his large hand shoots out for a shake. "I'm Jude, and you are? You know, besides stunning."

Ah, I see. He's a playboy.
