Page 57 of Just You & Me

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I love this little girl.

Layla's hopeful question snaps me out of my thoughts. “Is Uncle Tate still here?"

"Yeah, honey. Look." Now at the bottom of the stairs, Layla can see Tate, Marcus, and Leo bustling around in the kitchen. Nugget's shoulders loosen, a big smile stretching her lips. Her brows furrow when she catches sight of her mom resting in Jackson's lap on the couch, though.

"Mommy, are you sad?" I pause at the back of the couch, letting the girls talk before I feed Layla.

"I'm okay, baby." Her mom's reassurance does nothing if the clenching of her little first against my arm is anything to go by.

"You cried." Layla pales. "Mommy, who hurt your hand?" Her eyes dart around the entire room, lingering on each of us before staring holes into Rylee's face.

"Nobody hurt me. I'm okay. I just hit it on the wall, I promise." Rylee reaches her good hand forward to cup her daughter’s cheek over the back of the couch. "Why don't you go hang out with your uncle while they make us dinner?"

Layla is silent for a beat, calculating the truth of her mom’s words. What she wasn't here for was the complete breakdown that Rylee had a bit ago. Once Leo and Jackson were able to soothe her and put ice on her rapidly bruising wrist, she finally sat down. Tate assured her they would keep Mason on the other side of the country, but if he left, they would still have eyes on his whereabouts. Her brother even offered her proof that their tech guy sent over of the douchebag in California.

While Rylee wasn't thrilled with any part of the conversation, she still listened and ultimately decided to stay for her final weeks of the lease here. Tate is also going to stay. Where he is staying, I'm not sure. I just hope that when he tells his sister that he wants to get to know them and be a part of their lives, he means it.

I bend, keeping a tight hold on Layla, and give Rylee a kiss on the forehead. Her breath catches, and I swear I feel her lean into me a bit.

With Layla on the counter beside me, we snack on another charcuterie board and watch Marc fuck around with Tate. Nugget giggles every time Leo rolls his eyes and complains they aren't helping with dinner.

I'm honestly not quite sure what they are making; too focused on watching Layla's eyes light up while she munches on some salami. I love making this sweet girl laugh. She and Rylee deserve all the smiles they can get.

Peering over my shoulder, I catch Jack's warm eyes. Rylee is curled up against his chest with a blanket and is quietly snoozing away on his lap. The look he gives me is of pure adoration and love. His soft smile is for me, making me realize that the contentment and affection radiating from him isn't just for the sleeping woman in his arms.

Jackson loves me too.

* * *

"Sunshine! To what do we owe the pleasure?"

Gabby doesn't knock when she comes over, so seeing her slam the front door behind her with a huff and shove of her foot is normal. Pink bob in curls, she bounds her way to the kitchen with a tray of coffees in hand.

I reach for one, only to be swatted and hissed at. "That one is for Rylee! Here, this is yours." She hands me a cold brew and slides one over to Jackson as well.

Just as she goes to speak, Leo and Marcus come stumbling down the staircase looking sleep rumpled and really damn satisfied. I glare at JJ. Damn him for making me wake up early to go into the office today. I feel better seeing the hurt puppy look on his face, though.

Yeah, asshole. We could be just rolling out of bed with our guys.

"I-Oh! I didn't think I would see you guys here today," Gabby's voice lilts like a question at the end.

They sleep over more often than not since we made things official a month ago.Holy shit!It's been an entire month! After all the drama of that night and trying to win the girls’ trust back, time hasn't been working right, I swear.

Tate showing up kind of threw a wrench into Rylee's free time. I'm trying not to be annoyed about the guy, but I just want to soak up all my girl time. I suppose the positive side of that is our free time has been spent platonically with Ry and Layla, leaving us four to come home and keep building our own relationship. We ordered a big bed that should be delivered today. We have been swapping around beds and attending to each singular relationship.

The nights when Leo and Marcus go home to do some laundry and pack more clothes are the worst. There have only been a few, but our home seems so empty without them.

"Um, hello?" Gabby tosses her hands in the air. Her exasperation makes me realize that each of us ignored her. I bet if we were a cartoon, our eyes would have hearts in them.

"That's okay, Sunshine. I can share." I wink, uncertain if we are telling her yet.

Right as I'm about to overthink it, Marcus sidles up behind me at the island and wraps a hand around my waist. "Good morning. We missed you," he breathes. My pulse jumps when his lips press against the crook of my neck.

Marc is gone before I can settle myself, only to be replaced by a sleepy Leo. "Good morning," he murmurs hesitantly. Looking at him, I see his cheeks are pink, making me wonder what kind of hello Jackson just gave him while Marcus distracted me.

I grip the back of his neck and pull Leo in for a sweet kiss. Groaning when I taste him, images of what the two sleepy heads got up to before they came down flash through my mind.

"Can someone please tell me how long you assholes have been keeping this from me?"
