Page 76 of Just You & Me

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"Good boy, Tate. Keep talking to your sister," Zach encourages. The praise warming me a bit. "Jackson and Marcus are on their way. Wyatt tapped into your location. Police on their way, okay?"

"Okay," I whisper. Sirens sound in the distance, and when the flashing lights give me a better view of Rylee, I choke. She's already turning black and blue. The deep scrape on her cheek has dirt in it; blood coats her neck, shoulder, and chest. Her exposed stomach is an angry shade of purple. "Oh my god. Rylee!" I shift to my knees and cry out when the movement moves the fucking knife.

Arms are around me in the next instant, pulling me away from my sister. Shouting from my phone on the ground is drowned out by my own screams. "Let me go! Please! That's my sister!"

I hardly notice Jackson and Marcus running down the alleyway before Ry is rushed into an ambulance beside the one I'm being dragged into. "RYLEE!" The door slamming closed behind me cuts their shouts off.

Black dots dance across my vision, and the only thing I can think to say before everything goes dark is, "Please, help my sister." Someone else needs to because I... Ifailed.



Five hours.

Fivefuckinghourssince Jackson and Marcus ran out the front door in a burst of rage and fear. All they said was to call Wyatt, and no matter what, we had to stay home with Layla. Thankfully, Layla was snoozing on the couch when shit hit the fan, so she still doesn't know her mom is in the hospital.

Leo and I immediately called Wyatt in a panic to figure out what had the other two rushing out the door. My chest immediately clenched when he relayed what was going on. Since the call, Leo hasn't been able to stop shaking. Nor has he worn himself out enough to crash.

So here we sit across from Layla while she sleeps the night away. For fivehours. Shaking, nauseous, and scared out of our minds. Marc called a few hours ago and said they were running tests and wouldn't be allowed to see Rylee until visiting hours.

What are we supposed to tell Layla when she wakes up and realizes she should be in her own bed?

"Mason is really dead," Leo whispers, his head in my lap. "Do you think they will stay now?"

My eyes water at how scared he looks. I wish we knew more about what happened and what injuries Rylee sustained. "I hope so," I murmur and run my hand through his platinum locks. I suppose the one good thing we can take away from this is their monster is finally gone. Rotting in hell.

They don't have to run anymore. But will our girls choose to stay?

* * *

"Is Mommy awake?"

Nugget's eyes are puffy and red, but she's done her best to stay strong for her momma. After a morning of tears and a lot of questions, JJ finally gave in and told us we could bring Layla to see her.

"Yeah, Nug. She's awake and so excited to see you." I squeeze her just a bit tighter in my arms as we come to Rylee's room. "You have to be gentle though, okay? Mommy has some bruises we have to be careful with."

Layla frowns at me, but then her attention catches on Leo shaking beside us. "Lee? You hold me?" She holds her arms out for him, and as soon as he has her, the tremors lessen.

I open the door and suck in a huge breath when I see our woman fighting the sleep that wants to claim her. Rylee's copper hair fans out on the pillow where she lays flat. Her arms are above the blankets, allowing me to see the bandage covering her neck and cheek. Big blue eyes shoot to mine, looking so much like her daughter’s with red puffiness.

"Jude," she whispers, a small smile tilting her pale lips.

"Hi, baby girl," I whisper back, worried about breaking this moment if I speak too loudly. Suddenly her eyes widen, and a pained look accompanies her gasp.

"Mommy?" Leo walks to Rylee's side with a crying Layla. Leo must whisper a reminder to be gentle because she nods, her wild white hair bouncing. "Can I sit with you, Mom?" Beside them, my heart cracks when her little lip trembles.

"Of course, Bug. Come here." Rylee's own lip quivers as she reaches for her little girl. Leo helps settle the little miss into Ry's side and sneaks a kiss to her cheek. I don't know what he whispers to them, but their eyelids droop, exhaustion and safety pulling them into slumber.

Jackson and Marcus get up from the couch on the other side of the room. I completely missed it when we walked in here. Meeting them halfway, I throw myself into Jack's arms with a quiet sob.

"Shh, I have you now. Everything will be okay, Jude." He settles me on his lap, Marc doing something similar with Leo beside us. "She has a few bruised ribs that will need to be wrapped. We will have to keep an eye on her concussion. The cut on her neck wasn't deep enough to do much damage besides making her lose some blood. Her cheek might scar, though."

I nod, unable to get words out. I'm so fucking glad she will be able to heal from this. If she lets us, maybe we can heal her heart and give her the family and the life she deserves.

Mason is dead. Our girls are free.

