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Until it’s completely healed.

“We will abide by your request,” the strained voice proves just how angry they are.

To have to submit to the demands of someone more cunning.

Like a Viper.

I gesture to the floor.

“My boyfriend is still dead here.”

The snicker that comes from behind me only forces me to look up and see familiar dusk spheres that glimmer with so much pride.

“And you say I’m impatient,” he mutters. “You’re a nuisance, Miss Guinevere.”

“Good,” I declare. “You want that from your Gilded Viper, yes?”

His eyes darken in lust at my declaration.

“Certainly.” He makes sure the word of approval is heard, but the sudden chill in the air makes him tense up and look over his shoulder.

The single clap of hands forces all to acknowledge the person walking out of the shadows and into the single beam of light that illuminates us.

Not only do my eyes widen, but I feel the striking connection that makes it almost impossible to stand still. The pull is so strong, it takes Professor North to keep a hold on me, or else I’d be at that man’s side in a heartbeat.

The distance between us charges the air, and I can only grasp the way my rooted essence blares to the surface until I’m illuminated in white flames.

“I-Impossible!” The authoritative voice gasps in surprise while another powerful voice chuckles menacingly.

“I’ve waited five long years for this moment, but to think it has finally been bestowed to me thanks to my patience is a reward worth celebration, don’t you agree, Society?”

No one speak while I can feel the tremble that comes from the man struggling to hold me back.

I watch with glued eyes as the pure white hood of the cloak lowers gracefully, revealing the tall, chiseled man whose eyes shift to various pastel colors while his white locks begin to taint in shade until they’re completely black.

Like the shadows that embrace his presence.

“To try to stop me from obtaining what’s destined for me is one thing, but to consistently hurt what’s mine in my presence feels like an act of treason, if you ask me.”

“L-L-Lord Daemon of the Kingdom of Shadows!”

“My Darling Nightmare was right about one thing. It’s very good you decided the risk was too great in letting her taint everything her blood has touched, for it would be the perfect ignition, in my humble opinion.” He couldn’t look more delighted.

And frightening.

“Ask me why?” he prompts them, and I can only imagine those cloaked beings trembling in defeat.

“Wh-Why, my Lord.”

“For the blood of my Bride is like a moth to a flame,” he offers. “Once together, there’s no other choice but toburn.”

I thought I was dancing to the tune of Destiny.

The reality is my world was always destined to burn…
