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He lifts his chin. "Sometimes risks must be taken. But I don't think it's a risk at all. The outcome is win-win for the family."

Down the table, Pietro nods thoughtfully. "Giovanni makes a fair point. As long as no critical information is actually leaked, there is little downside."

"So how do we proceed, then?" Lorenzo asks pragmatically. "The girl cannot know we have any doubts, or it gives everything away."

"Leave that part to me," I state firmly, reasserting control. "I can convince Clara her position is secured, that she has my full confidence once more."

At this, Rafael arches one skeptical eyebrow. "No offense, but you haven't done such a good job of controlling anything around her so far."

I fix him with an uncompromising stare, using the full force of my natural authority. "I understand that now. But I will do what needs to be done for the family." Let them take my meaning. I am still heir to this empire first and foremost. I will do what is necessary to secure our power.

"I can make Clara believe she is back in my confidence. I will convince her that I have completely let my guard down." My voice rings with conviction, daring any to doubt my resolve. Clara may have rattled me, but I know how to wield charm and persuasion for my own ends. I am still heir to this family's power.

I lean back, steepling my hands as I consider my lieutenants around the table. “Pietro, you and Lorenzo monitor any outgoing communications from our homes and businesses. If there is a mole beyond Clara, I want them uprooted swiftly.”

The two men nod in acquiescence. I turn my attention to Dante, ever the tactician. “Review our security procedures and plug any holes she may have already exploited. I want new protocols in place, so no more breaches can occur.”

Dante's eyes gleam, intrigued by the challenge I have set before him. "I'll make sure it's done," he assures me.

Finally, I meet Rafael’s gaze. His dark eyes reveal nothing, but his mind is surely turning already. “Draft contingencies for either outcome. If Clara proves false, I want plans in place to entrap the Ferraros when they make their move. Give her just enough truth to make the bait tempting.” My voice leaves no doubt of the consequences should betrayal be confirmed.

Rafael simply arches one brow. "I will prepare options for your review." His composure does not waver, but I sense the anticipation in him for the chase ahead.

Murmurs of assent ripple around the table. I see relief in their faces now that action will be taken, leadership asserted.

Soon I am left standing alone in the room, the silence heavy on my shoulders. I straighten my jacket and cuffs methodically, letting the familiar chill settle over me. Sentiment makes one careless, and I cannot allow past affection to make me falter again. I must play my hand flawlessly.

"Leave that to me." I say with finality.

This time, it's Rafael that leans forward, arching an eyebrow. "You haven't done such a good job of controlling anything around her so far." He always has been the most perceptive when it comes to threats.

But I set my jaw and show them all why I am groomed to lead this family. "I can make Clara believe she is back in my confidence. I will convince her that I have completely let my guard down.”

“Pietro, you and Lorenzo monitor any outgoing intelligence. If there is a mole beyond Clara, I want them uprooted.” The two nod. I lean back, steepling my hands, considering all angles. “Dante, work on plugging any security holes she may have exploited. And Rafael...”

I meet my brother’s waiting gaze. “Draft options. If Clara proves false, I want contingency plans in place. How will we lay an ambush for the Ferraros and what information should we give Clara?” My voice leaves no doubt what those contingencies might entail. I am heir to this family first and foremost. I will do what must be done to protect this family.

Murmurs of assent and agreement ripple around the table. My commands and their counsel have brought clarity of purpose once more.

Soon I stand alone in the room, finally letting the rigid mask fall. So much depends on the days ahead. If Clara plays me false, the knife poised at my heart will cut swift and deep.

I straighten, letting the familiar chill settle over me. Sentiment makes one sloppy, vulnerable. I will not falter again. The dance is engaged, and I must play my hand flawlessly, for the family's sake ... and perhaps Clara's, if the fates allow. But no matter where the chips fall, I will rise as master of the board. By my will, the Ricci empire shall endure.



Istare up at the ceiling of my lavish prison cell, the same monotonous view I've had all day as I waste away in the plush bed. My mind churns endlessly, caught between crashing waves of indignation and pity for myself. I clutch the silken sheets, discreetly replaced after I ruined the last set in my escape attempt.

Why did the Riccis have to react so violently, so cruelly to the news of my father's business deals? Locking me away in this suite as if I were a traitor to the family...all because my father is trying to pay off their enormous debt to them by making an art deal with the Ferraros. What other choice did they give him after they locked me away here under house arrest with that cruel ultimatum—get the money by any means necessary, or I would be the one to pay the price?

I release my white-knuckled grip on the sheets and press my palms against my eyes until an explosion of swirling color bursts across my vision. This whole situation is madness. Complete and utter madness.

Letting my hands fall away, I stare back up at the ceiling, its smooth white paint now seared into my memory. My heart constricts painfully, aching with each beat as I dwell on my predicament. I wish I could rewind time and confess everything to Antonio right as it happened. The way Roberto Ferraro had cornered me, threatening my father if I didn't spy on his family. At the time, keeping silent seemed the wisest choice. I was too afraid of what the volatile Ricci brothers would do if they found out a Ferraro had even spoken to me. But now my silence has me trapped, with no way to admit the truth without losing Antonio's trust completely.

Swinging my legs off the mattress, I stand and pace over to the window overlooking the grounds. Outside, the lawns and gardens are pristine but eerily still, with guards stationed at regular intervals to keep diligent watch over the family whose name inspires both awe and fear. Even in the quiet of the afternoon, an undercurrent of danger hums through the air.

I wish I were more cunning, more skilled at maneuvering through this treacherous world. I'm clever enough to succeed in my studies, but book smarts mean little now. If only I had the nerve and wit to handle this world.
