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When I glance back in surprise, I find his intense gaze fixed not on the scenic view, but only on me. Heat rushes up my neck at the adoration in his eyes, so at odds with the severe manner I know simmers underneath. Before I can formulate a response, servants emerge carrying trays laden with covered dishes emitting enticing aromas. Clearly Antonio ordered this lavish dinner in advance, confident I'd accept his invitation upstairs. The confidence would normally irk me, but tonight it only adds to his roguish charm.

Antonio dismisses the servants with a word, then leads me to the candlelit table set intimately for two. "Please, have a seat," he says, pulling out my chair.

I settle gratefully into the cushy seat, eyeing the appetizing spread Antonio has arranged. Colorful salads dripping with gourmet ingredients, pastas dripping with cheese and cream. Savory chicken skewers with grilled vegetables. And for dessert, tiny chocolate raspberry cakes beside elegant flutes of bubbly champagne. My appetite roars to life as the aromas envelop me.

Antonio takes his seat across from me and lifts his champagne flute, the crystal refracting the dancing candle flames. "To new beginnings," he says simply but meaningfully, his eyes locking with mine.

Our gazes hold over the rim of the glasses as we each take a celebratory sip. The champagne bubbles pleasantly on my tongue. The unspoken words shine clearly between us now—forgiveness, trust, devotion.

Throughout dinner, Antonio keeps the conversation flowing effortlessly, his earlier sincerity now veiled behind his typical charm and confidence. He asks about my studies, the books I've been enjoying lately, my artistic hobbies and interests. I slowly relax into his attentiveness, feeling a strange sense of normalcy here in this intimate setting.

Eventually, Antonio steers the discussion towards more personal matters. He tells me fond stories of his childhood obsession with astronomy, remembering how he'd sneak onto the roof past midnight just to stare up at the vast Milky Way galaxy spanning the sky. How the infinite stars and unknowable planets fired his imagination, even back then when his biggest concern was dodging his tutors.

"I wanted to be an astronaut more than anything when I was young," he admits with a self-conscious little laugh. "My parents quickly rid me of that fanciful notion, of course. The head of the family can't be gallivanting about in space."

I smile at this unexpected glimpse into his hidden depths and long-buried dreams. "The stars are beautiful, though. I can see why they inspired you so much. The universe is just full of possibilities." I pause, tentative about prying further into such personal territory. But my curiosity prevails. "Do you ever miss that dream? Of exploring the cosmos?"

Antonio's expression softens, his eyes growing distant. For a long moment he just gazes upward, as if seeing past the roof to the endless glimmering stars.

"Yes, sometimes I miss the naivety of those childhood dreams and fantasies," he finally admits with a tinge of wistfulness. "We all have secret wishes tucked away inside, I suppose. But reality makes its demands, especially on the firstborn son."

He refocuses on me, his eyes guarded once more. The brief glimpse of vulnerability shuttered away. "My duty now is to this family, to shielding and guiding them as head of the household. Childhood dreams faded to dust long ago."

I study the weary lines that frame his sensuous mouth, marring the handsome face. On impulse, I reach over and squeeze his hand, struck with the urge to brush away that disillusionment.

"The world needs more dreamers. Don't let pragmatism and duty steal them all away," I urge him gently. "Maybe you'll still make it to the stars someday."

Amusement flickers across his face at my sentimentality. "You have an endearing optimism, Clara. Don't let this harsh world corrupt that." He lifts my hand and presses a kiss to my knuckles that sends desire fluttering through me. "Now, shall we have dessert?"

The mini chocolate-raspberry cakes melt decadently on my tongue, the luscious sweetness heightened by the celebratory champagne. We slip back into relaxed conversation over dessert, leaving heavier topics behind for the night.

By the time we finish the champagne, I'm perfectly content, floating on the exquisite food and wine. And especially on Antonio's undivided attention and charm. The atmosphere out here feels utterly romantic. Everything combines into a sense of rightness, of being exactly where I belong in this moment.

At an unseen signal, servants emerge to clear the table, gathering up dishes and stacking plates with smooth efficiency. Antonio and I bring over our own trays, and our hands brush as we stack our plates together, sending delicious tremors down my spine. The night air seems to grow charged as we exchange a heated glance, hyper aware of each other. My eyes keep darting to Antonio's powerful frame as I admire the flex of his muscles beneath his thin tailored shirt.

When the table is clear, Antonio dismisses the servants with a word. He stands and moves closer to me, trailing a single fingertip down my bare arm. "Thank you for joining me tonight, Clara. It was a true pleasure having your lovely company all to myself."

His low voice ignites my blood, and I sway closer, craving his touch. "The pleasure was all mine, Antonio."

My lips part slightly as I gaze up at him through lowered lashes, no longer hiding my desire. Out here on the empty balcony it's just Antonio and I alone together, the rest of the world shut out.

Antonio's hand trails down my arm to grip my hip, firm but sensual, as he pulls me against him until our bodies align with tantalizing perfection. I loop my arms around his strong neck, melting into his sturdy warmth and inhaling his intoxicating scent.

When his lips capture mine, the kiss immediately scorches with intensity. I feel his longing and restraint pouring out in every fervent motion, echoing my own nearly uncontainable need for him in this moment. My hands explore the taut muscles of his back, thrilling at his strength, while his fingers ignite trails of fire across my skin.

When we finally break apart, both breathing harder, Antonio rests his forehead against mine. His rugged exhalations fall against my tingling lips as we cling together. I stare into his dark, desire-filled eyes. Any lingering hurt from yesterday has vanished without a trace, replaced by a deepened desire.

I have no protests when Antonio lifts me effortlessly into his arms, our mouths crashing again, hungrily. He carries me inside his suite, navigating towards the bed with familiar ease.

As Antonio lowers me onto silken sheets, desire burns hotter than any dream of the heavens above. Tonight, I'll explore all the wonders of paradise right here in his arms.



The final course of our extravagant dinner has been cleared away, but I know the real feast is just beginning. I still don't trust her, and this is a game I must play. But I have to admit, this is a part of the deception I'm going to enjoy. She is a flame that I cannot resist, no matter the consequences. I know this is a trap we have willingly laid for each other, yet I cannot bring myself to care. All that matters is having her, here and now.

As I lay her down on my bed and our mouths meet, the kiss begins slow, deliberate. Each movement seems charged with the weight of our twisted history, all the betrayals and bloodshed that led to this stolen moment. She tastes of the rich Merlot we shared over dinner and desire, a combination so heady it makes my mind swim.
