Page 31 of Infiltration

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There was a note icon on the shot. Kuran tapped it and read Blythe’s comment:

Dramok Piras, gave the Basma info for the Laro Station massacre? If on station, does SN know? Will she talk? Would his presence have KE demand to leave Earth? KB knows nothing, who can I talk to for verification this is him??? More research needed on Laro Station attack, the Basma.

Kuran copied the shots, grudgingly impressed a young Earther was so well informed about the events of the Kalquorian civil war. He wondered how Blythe had gotten the picture. Had she returned to the station and set loose one of her camera drones? It bore investigation. He loaded the stills to a message to Piras, making notes on the initials she’d used:

SN: Stacy Nichols

KE: Kalquorian Empire?

KB: Ken Bryant?

Word had already slipped to the empire that Piras might be on Alpha Space Station. It was currently being downplayed, leading many to dismiss it as rumor. If the picture got out, protests might gain steam. Attempts on Piras’ life might occur. As bad as the picture was, there were those who’d positively identify the hated admiral.

He sent it to Piras and returned to the file list, debating which to click next.

Stacy’s was the obvious choice, and he opened the file. It consisted mainly of her background from the original Earth, its colony on Mercy, then the combined Earther-Kalquorian colony of Haven. Much of it Kuran had already read. It included her younger brother’s obituary when the boy had died of an illness at the age of five, her father’s election to town council, then his trial and imprisonment after he’d spoken against original Earth’s government. Kuran had already read the details of Stacy’s arrest and trial for leading a protest against the government rationing food and medicines in her community before those of more affluent populations…she’d been sentenced to a year’s incarceration for it.

More reports. Her father’s death in an Atlanta prison when Kalquor’s invasion had set off bombs beneath the city. Stacy’s gradual but steady rise in politics on Haven…she’d apparently done little of the sort when she’d lived less than a year on Mercy, which tended to uphold many of the original Earth’s values.

The file on Kuran’s clan was sparse, also consisting of records available to the public. Kuran smirked to see how little Blythe had been able to obtain on himself, Rihep, and Etnil. Her notes evinced great frustration she hadn’t managed to get more.

“Sorry. We’re a boring clan. No juicy scandals thus far.”

He opened the file on Ken Bryant, certain it would be more of the same. The names of individual documents filled his screen and began to scroll…and kept scrolling, to Kuran’s mingled amusement and frustration.

“He has a long political career, longer than Stacy’s,” Kuran sighed out loud. Just thinking of diving into so much documentation was enough to make him groan. It had to be done though, in case Blythe had found information Kuran had somehow missed.

His computer was still adding files. Kuran swore and checked the time…over an hour before he could leave.

“Better bring your A-game, Selt. I’ll be in rare form after this,” he growled.

Casting a glance at his vids of Stacy and Blythe, he opened the first document and started the long process of boring himself into a fury.

* * * *


“Oiteil’s serious about this?”

Yuder nodded slowly at the vid image of Dramok Ospar standing in front of him. “He says if he can convince another dozen councilman, he’ll put re-establishing our ability to function as public servants up for a vote…and it will pass.”

Ospar, a former Royal Councilman, Galactic Council ambassador, and governor of Haven, shouted his joy. “Thanks to his favorable rating and mentorship of many of his peers, he’ll get those votes. Imperial Father, I have only dared to dream of this day.”

“He’s gathered the easy converts to our side. It’ll be harder to win over the rest,” Yuder cautioned Ospar despite his own assurance Oiteil would convince the Royal Council to overturn Ospar’s and Rajhir’s sentences and petition the Galactic Council to drop the restrictions on Yuder’s return to public service. He added, as an afterthought, “He’ll no doubt expect us to support his legislation.”

“No problem there. Oiteil is among our most honorable representatives. I can’t think of a bill he’s sponsored I didn’t agree on.” Ospar’s happiness shone as bright as the sun. “What can I do to help this along?”

“We have to stay out of it. We can’t show any hint we’re involved. It will work against us if we’re suspected of having a part in it.”

“If there’s one thing I don’t do well, it’s stand by and depend on others.”

“We’re treading on dangerous ground if we’re seen as involved in Oiteil’s effort. I trust you want this as much as I do, so we have to stand aside.”

Ospar groused, but it didn’t last. “Have you spoken to Rajhir?”

“I thought I’d leave it to you. My talking to you is pushing the limits of my agreement with the Galactic Council’s conditions of early release. If they demand frequency records, should they become suspicious of my actions, contacting both my co-defendants would look extremely questionable.”

“No doubt, no doubt.” Ospar huffed in indignation. “I hate being treated like a common criminal. That my former emperor has to face it too is beyond the pale.”
