Page 38 of Infiltration

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“Do it,” he urged. “Give her plenty to swallow. She wants it. Give it to her.”

Etnil’s mouth hung agape. His eyelashes fluttered. Stacy knew the signs. He was going first, before Rihep, so she turned to him. Her tongue whipped over the slit of his primary as she opened wide to make sure Kuran could witness it when it happened.

A cry escaped the Imdiko. His entire body tensed, tendons standing out. A second later, the sweet-salty-spicy heat of his passion jetted in her mouth.

“Fuck!” he yelled as elation continued to stream from him. His hand whipped violently.

He wasn’t done when Rihep grabbed Stacy’s jaw and turned her toward him. With a long groan, Rihep released, adding his muskier flavor to Etnil’s. Cum spilled over her lower face as the men came and came and came.

She was barely aware of the dripping warmth. Kuran hammered into her, gasping as he watched his clanmates lose themselves in pleasure. The friction of his cocks hitting her in the right places, of his fingers fumbling and finding her clit, owned her attention as rapture barreled for her.

He pinched. “Come, Stacy!”

It hit with the power of a stampeding bull. It tore her from her surroundings of men straining over her. Her vision disappeared, replaced by flashing stars. They exploded in tandem in surges of bliss. She rose and fell on each gorgeous tremor, losing herself in sublime sweetness.

The dining area swam into focus several seconds later. Etnil lay on his side next to her, his arm slung around her, cheek nestled against her shoulder, a happy smile lazy on his lips. Rihep was just visible over the edge of the low table, sprawled on his back on the long, billowy seating cushions, staring as if bemused at the ceiling. Kuran knelt on the cushions between her splayed legs, his usually watchful features slack in gratification.

Stacy shared in their satisfaction. She thought they might as well go to bed. She wanted nothing else for the rest of the night.

Etnil sat up. There was no sign of lazy afterglow as he looked around at the wreckage they’d made of themselves. His eyes were bright, his usual merry expression beaming forth.

“We have dessert. Who’s ready for churros and chocolate sauce? Me!” He was up and in the kitchen in an instant.

“The last thing he needs is sugar. Somebody choke him.” Rihep’s eyes closed.

* * * *


“My father, I’m so glad to see you. Jessica and I have been talking about how the family needs to get together.”

Yuder smiled as Clajak greeted him at the door of the Imperial Clan’s apartment. His son’s hug was warmer than he could have hoped. He returned it gratefully.

Such moments rendered the tempestuous early years of their relationship unimportant. Though the only physical similarity he’d passed on to Clajak was the mutation of silver hair, they were so alike in temperament, they’d rarely been able to avoid clashing. Particularly during Clajak’s adolescence and before he’d ascended to the throne, they’d often been at odds.

Even then, I was proud of him. At our worst, I knew Clajak would become all he is. All I’m not.

They stepped back and beamed at each other. Clajak smiled wider when Yuder touched the back of his hand to his cheek, the traditional greeting of affection between a man and his son.

The Dramok emperor grasped his hand and held it in his. “Truly, I am sorry we haven’t arranged dinner or some activity since your welcome home. Forgive me, my father.”

“There’s nothing to forgive. I well remember how the affairs of state rob a ruler of time in such a way he doesn’t notice it passing. A single blink, and an entire month is gone.”

“Or a whole year. Sit, relax. Can I get you a drink? Something to eat?” Clajak moved toward the wall-length bar at the end of the greeting room.

“Nothing, thank you.” Yuder settled on a lounger, though he’d been in meditation earlier and had met his limit on sitting still. He wanted to appear as relaxed and casual as possible. Not to disarm Clajak, no, but to show he wasn’t poking his nose where it didn’t belong…too much.

Clajak settled on a floor cushion nearby, his face alight in what appeared to be real pleasure. The open smile, so rarely witnessed, unsettled Yuder. It made him second guess his objective in visiting.

“All is well with you and Tara? Jessica was complaining how little she sees Earth Mom. She isn’t overdoing it since adding managing Dramok Mereta’s ashram to her schedule, is she?”

“She’s utterly in her element. I sometimes wonder if I should build my own spiritual house so I’ll see more of her.”

“It isn’t that bad, I hope.”

Yuder chuckled. “Not in the least. I’m simply greedy.”

“I know the feeling.”
