Page 44 of Infiltration

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Ospar was a blatant charmer, capable of cozying up to questionable characters to do what needed to be done on the empire’s behalf. Even his safety and happiness had come in second to Kalquor’s welfare, as well as his ethics. He’d grown more circumspect since clanning a human woman and adopting her son, but Yuder could scent his ability to bend the rules remained.

Of the three who’d been convicted of being the architects leading up to the demise of the original Earth, Ospar had been the most convinced they’d done what they had to for the good of the empire. If he regretted anything, it was that his actions…or rather, getting caught…had resulted in him being unable to hold public offices.

Ospar shrugged at Yuder’s question. “I too was shocked to see Terbal here, but I trust Oiteil’s opinion. He believes Terbal is devoted to keeping the peace and harmony of the empire.”

“Which is on rocky ground,” Terbal said. “Kalquor isn’t keeping up with what I feel are becoming major issues.”

“A number of our leaders are ducking their heads and hoping the small problems remain small or disappear on their own.” Oiteil nodded at Terbal. “We’ve seen such seemingly insignificant concerns blow up in our faces before.”

“There are so many. The new classification of male breeds, the Merges, for instance.”

“Children, usually the hybrid Kalquorian-Earthers, who don’t fit neatly in any of the categories of Dramok, Nobek, and Imdiko. They tend to encompass all three breeds, as the Mataras do,” Yuder said.

“My second son is a Merge. What of it?” There was no mistaking the angry challenge in Ospar’s tone.

“Indeed. What does it matter, except there are traditionalists who balk at the changing of clan dynamics? We now have Merges, clans extending into ‘houses’ of more than one of each breed, and human male companions to clans being accorded full legal rights as clan members. Those of the old guard are vocal in their opposition.” Terbal shook his head. “For generations, we fought extinction of our culture. Now that we’re leaving this concern behind, Kalquorians are resisting the changes it brings.”

“In other words, we have our own version of Earthtiques,” Yuder said.

“Which brings up the concerns the sensible among us have surrounding Earth. The governor and our station orbiting the new world have come under direct attack. It’s bound to get worse there, but our leadership isn’t committing the resources needed to nip it in the bud.”

Yuder recalled Clajak’s anxiety over him hearing about top secret intelligence. Like Oiteil, Terbal was sharing what he shouldn’t.

He glared at the Dramok. “You keep pointing the finger at the empire’s leadership. Are you and Oiteil accusing the Imperial Clan of avoiding their duties?”

Oiteil held up his hands. “Absolutely not. The fault lies mainly in the Royal Council. How can the emperors and empress possibly keep up with all the changes the empire has undergone in such a short time? It’s up to us to investigate, gather information, and find answers to present to the Imperial Clan and our constituents.”

“The trouble is, we don’t have the experienced advisors and councilmen we need since Maf’s treachery took so many from us,” Terbal sighed. “Whether the courts were right to strip you, Ospar, and Rajhir of the ability to serve, the fact remains we desperately need you, Imperial Father. Ospar’s diplomacy, Rajhir’s reason, your determination to implement the hard decisions…no one else comes close.”

“What of Rajhir?” Yuder asked Ospar.

A flash of conscience appeared in the younger man’s eyes. “He believes it’s wrong to subvert the court’s decision, even if it is the will of the people and Royal Council. He refuses to consider returning to public life.”

“A tremendous loss,” Terbal said. “I beg the two of you not to add to it. Say you’ll accept our wish to lobby the Royal Council and the Galactic Council’s high court on your behalf. We’ll also include Rajhir and hope he’ll reconsider.”

“I’m ever the empire’s servant,” Ospar quickly agreed. “If my people want me, if the Royal Council agrees, I’ll serve in whatever capacity I’m granted.”

Yuder wanted to consent as immediately as Ospar had. Every cell of his being clamored to appeal to Oiteil and Terbal to make it happen. However, Clajak’s and Tara’s concerned faces drifted through his mind.

I have nothing else, though. I’m sorry, my son and beloved, but I can’t live on the sidelines of the empire I once led.

He did hedge for his conscience’s sake. “I doubt the GC will agree, but if you wish to try to have them change their ruling, if the people of Kalquor agree I’m needed, you have my permission to approach them on my behalf.”

* * * *

Nako’s marauder

Piper entered the clan’s quarters and smiled to find Ulof already there. “Hi honey. I’m home.”

“So I see.” He grinned at her and swept her in his arms for an enthusiastic kiss. “How was training?”

“Great. I was overwhelmed at first…I mean, you’ve seen the com panel, right? All the buttons and readouts and lights? But Lieutenant Tos says I’m getting the basics really well. I learned how to boost signals and alter frequency pathways today.” She beamed. “How about you? Do you still like working in Hydroponics?”

“So much. I’ve always focused on terrain and landscaping, but to learn how to care for individual plants is just as fascinating. Because I was a cook for so long, I already know how the vegetables and fruits should look when they’re healthy. It’s amazing to be in charge of food on the most basic level.”

“What’s on your computer?” Piper noted the multiple holographic vids spread over his device. Such a sight was a surprise. Because of Ulof’s learning disability, he rarely tried to cope with more than two sources of visual information at a time.

She saw a planet similar to Earth, though the seas were larger than its former and current versions. It had an orange tinge. There were atmospheric maps, detailed terrains, a number of flora records, and things she couldn’t guess at from where she stood. Having served as a slave on Bi’is at one time, she recognized the world easily.
