Page 58 of Infiltration

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She felt the iron hardness against her hip jerk. “You were to accept what I wished to give, woman. Now you’ll get more.”

Just as she’d hoped.

He set her ass to roasting. The part of Tara not submerged in glorious hurt and arousal reflected she’d feel the results of his punishment when she sat to meditate. She giggled between her cries to think how difficult she’d made it on herself to achieve mindful serenity. Her sounds were muffled with her face buried in the linens, so she doubted Yuder heard the mirth.

At last, the spanking ended. Tara gasped as her rear pulsed in the aftermath. Yuder picked her up and laid her on her back in the middle of their bed. She gasped and raised her hips as contact brought fierce aching to her ass.

Yuder stared down at her, his expression that of a man who’d had every right to discipline his woman and demand her submission. He pulled his clothes off. “Spread your legs to serve me as you’re meant to.”

His demand sent enthralling tingles through her. She grasped behind her knees and brought them up, lifting her smarting butt off the bed. She sensed her vulnerability keenly under his regard, which fed the excitement rushing through her. It increased to see how thick and hard he was, his veined twin cocks gleaming the slickness of his desire.

He shoved two fingers in her, and she whimpered at the brusque invasion. He pumped her trembling womanhood, then withdrew. He sucked his fingers clean before pushing in her again. This time, he spread her wetness to her rear entrance, pressing in there as well. She gasped at the ache of his insistence she yield, but she didn’t protest. She’d been a naughty wife, and he was entitled to do with her as he saw fit.

She quivered in equal parts anticipation and anxiety as he crouched over her. His fist guided him to her, front and back, ready to claim what was his by right. Staring into her eyes, he pressed and entered, the tapered tips of his strength spreading her open for him.

He was careful, though hardly gentle. He’d discerned her passion for sterner play, so he drove in steadily despite her shudders as she strained to yield to his thickening girth. She felt him jerk, thrilled by her surrender. His pleasure increased hers.

His thoroughness as he had her made up for the lack of tenderness. As Yuder moved in her, he devoted avid attention until she was certain there wasn’t an inch of her he hadn’t teased, explored, or tasted. Her cries rose louder at every determined thrust. He found her most sensitive places over and over.

Her spine bowed and she shouted the strength of her orgasm. It battered her, wringing violent bliss from her until she lost all sense of her surroundings, except for the purple eyes watching her. When she was nearly done, when rapture ebbed to soft washes of satisfaction, Yuder grasped her clit and rubbed until she seized anew.

He made her come three times before groaning. The heat of his release filled Tara, and she let go of her grip on her legs to wrap them and her arms around him as he quaked.

Later, they drowsed contented, curled together under the covers. Tara stroked Yuder’s face. She’d never seen him so shining, so brilliant, so beautiful. For the first time since he’d stepped off the shuttle that had brought him home from prison, it felt like he was home.

“My love,” he murmured and kissed her. “I’ll speak to Clajak tomorrow about us being formally married.”

“Yuder.” Her heart filled with her love for him.

* * * *

Earth II

Kuran and Selt stared at their prisoners dispassionately in an underground bunker beneath a warehouse a mile from Government Hall. Kuran had been surprised when Piras had revealed the facility existed, put in place by Admiral Hobato for the more unpleasant work of spies. The seven-room facility’s existence was hidden by deflector fields, invisible to scans.

King and Fitch scowled at them, pretending they weren’t afraid. The monitors fed by the restraints, which tracked their respiration, blood pressure, and heartrates, disputed the outward show of bravado.

“You can’t hold us. We’re Earthers on Earth, and we have our rights!” Fitch, the elder and paunchier of the pair, yanked at his bonds, which kept him strapped to an uncomfortable metal chair. King’s head drifted downward. He stared at the floor, perhaps in defiance, maybe from fear. Kuran wasn’t sure which.

“I’m in charge of Earth’s security, you’re terrorists, and I don’t give a shit about your rights. You sent explosives to the space station and Earth’s governor. You’re fucked as far as two planets are concerned. How fucked depends on what you tell me in the next minute.”

Kuran kept his voice cold and deadly. Though this was his first real interrogation, training had informed him such an attitude produced better results than shouting and anger.

He could have performed in fury easily. Though he had no actual proof these men had been behind the attempted attacks, they fit the bill. As far as Kuran was concerned, they’d gone after Stacy, the woman he loved and hoped to eventually clan. Tearing them limb from limb would have put a smile on his face.

“We’ve done nothing. You had no right to haul us in here.”

Kuran’s com beeped, and he checked the message. Dramok Nasu’s text brought a smirk to his face; a nasty, vicious smirk that made King yank nervously on his restraints again.

“You’re in deep with Lieutenant Governor Bryant. He’s paid you well for your work…too well, given how amateur your efforts have been.” Kuran snorted. “I know ten-year-old Nobeks who could construct better bombs. How did a couple of incompetent jokes like you two convince him you were worth the money?”

Fitch turned a blistering shade of red. He appeared desperate to say something, something he was just as desperate to keep quiet. Kuran guessed he wanted to defend his ability to carry out his mission, which would have exposed him as the would-be assassin.

“Fucking Kalqs! You can’t prove any of it!”

“Take this one,” Kuran told Selt, nodding to Fitch. “Put pain inflictors on him, and see what he has to say then.”

“Hold on! You can’t do that! I’m an Earther on Earth! I have my rights!”
