Page 6 of Infiltration

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“Yes.” It was a code they’d developed. Anything Tara wore “for him,” he was free to tear apart.

His calloused palms and fingertips slid along her shoulders and arms. They spanned her waist, almost able to circle it. She was reminded anew how much bigger he was. His fingers dove in the upper cups of the bra, his fingernails scraping her flesh. He yanked. Lace and satin ripped and fluttered to the floor and Tara’s feet, tickling their tops.

Wetness flooded the crotch of her panties, all she was left wearing. Perhaps it was because the rest of her life was lived in pursuit of mindful serenity, but such displays from Yuder brought arousal surging to the fore.

He paused, his attention focused on her naked breasts. They were small, but they were firm and sensitive. Her nipples, flushed and pink, pointed brazenly at her lover.

A soft growl trickled from his lips, and the hair on Tara’s arms stood up. He closed fingers and thumbs on the tips and slowly pinched. Tara gasped when pressure deepened to darts of pain. Yuder immediately released her nipples. His arms swept around her, lifting her to her toes as his head sank down. His mouth enclosed a breast to eagerly suck.

Heat billowed through Tara. She almost grabbed to hug him closer, but he’d told her to remain still. As he pulled determinedly on her flesh, she debated whether she wished to disobey and be put on his lap for a spanking. She’d missed him and the pleasures they hadn’t been able to share.

There were so many enthralling options to choose from. Because she couldn’t decide, Tara remained in place for the erotic mauling. She could always misbehave later.

Yuder’s rough silk tongue abraded her softer skin, rubbing it as he sucked the entirety of her mound into his rapacious maw. Tara forgot how to breathe as his teeth scraped. She, a woman who believed ardently in peace, loved rough sex. Her salty arousal scent rose, barely discernible against Yuder’s spicier aroma as he too succumbed to desire.

He slowly released her breast, the suction of his greed stretching the small peak taut until it escaped with a slight popping noise. His attention went immediately to the other breast, leaving its reddened twin tingling.

Tara became aware she was moaning continuously under his delicious assault. Her senses were scrambling, thoughts losing clarity as he nipped, licked, and suckled. She realized her thighs were rubbing together, delivering slight friction to her clit, sending thrilling pulses to her core.

She groaned Yuder’s name.

He released her breast, uttering a snarl. His black stare rose to hers, and his lips wrinkled from his teeth. Behind the flat human-like incisors, hinged fangs had descended from the roof of his mouth. A cry flew from Tara in wordless agreement.

He struck, burying the thin fangs in her upper breast, his arms pinning hers to her sides so she couldn’t struggle, couldn’t escape. A thin scream rose from her throat at the jabs of pain.

Hurt ended as quickly as it had come, anesthetized by Yuder’s saliva. Tara sank into surrender and pillowed her cheek on his crown as he fed intoxicating venom into her.

In less than a minute, sweet bliss swirled in her mind. Her senses grew in awareness of her lover’s strength. She reveled in the warmth of his mouth, the tingling where he bit. His sweet-spice arousal scent filled the air, and she filled her lungs with it. Her skin detected the very air currents, and the brush of her chestnut hair on her shoulders was electrifying.

Arousal heightened to an incredible degree. Her pussy clenched rhythmically, anticipating the moment Yuder would fill her. The crotch of her panties was coated in wet excitement, and heat pulsed inside.

“Yuder, yes, it’s been so long, anything you want, anything…”

The bite ended, and he lapped her breast, claiming small drops of blood from the pinpricks. His grip loosened, and she ran her palms across every inch of him she could reach. His clothes were a terrible barrier. She tugged at them, desperate to feel naked skin.

He chuckled, rising so he loomed over her again. The sound was merry, but animal darkness remained in his gaze. “What happened to staying still?”

“You know the effects of your venom. Even when you don’t bite, it takes superhuman strength to keep my hands off you.” She managed to pull his shirt up to his chest and immersed herself in kissing and licking the muscled brown flesh she exposed. Her lips burned at the contact; Kalquorians ran hotter than humans.

He caught hold of her wrists and drew them over her head, easing back as he did so. She keened at the loss of contact but quieted as he examined her.

He held her stretched, nearly to the point of putting her on her toes. His gaze was weighty with an enticing aura of dominion. It was easy to imagine him as an emperor on his throne, directing his subjects. Tara had an image of herself as a concubine, existing only for his pleasure. It was an intoxicating fantasy.

A fantasy too easy to play into as he gripped her panties and tore them from her. She gasped as the restless air drifted across her womanhood, as his gaze feasted on her wet flesh. Her entire body flushed under his avid scrutiny. Had his venom not filled her with ardent need, she might have hidden from his inspection.

The undercurrent of ruthlessness fled from his expression, however. His features softened, and he gazed at her, his love naked. “My beauty. My beloved mate. I think I’d rather die than be separated from you again.”

“Yuder.” Any other words failed her in the face of such open devotion.

He pulled her to himself once more, his kiss desperate. He didn’t resist when she yanked at his clothes. Indeed, he broke the kiss to take them off, giving her free rein to touch his magnificence.

Kalquorians, as a rule, were naturally muscled. Yuder was no different, but his was a leaner look than the average man, not bulky. Tara loved the streamlined contours of his frame, which showed no sign of his nearly two hundred years. She showed her love by tracing each defined muscle she could, using tongue and fingertips, until he picked her up and draped her across a velvet floor cushion almost as long as she was tall.

It was his turn to touch. He seized her wrists again and pinned them over her head to the floor. His other hand wandered her body, stroking her from scalp to knee and retracing the path upward. The rasp of callouses was profound on her soft skin, and she arched for better contact. His lips met hers as he kept fondling her.

Her venom-soaked brain, consumed by the pleasure of his touch, shouted for more. She tried pleading for him to touch her pussy while he kissed her, but he offered no opportunity for her muffled words to escape. He no doubt knew what she wanted, because he caressed her lower stomach and upper thighs, so very close to where she needed him most. He refused, however, to touch her clamoring sex.

She writhed, wailing in his mouth an argument. His answer was to swirl light fingertips through the wetness coating her inner thighs. He teased her mercilessly, ignoring her heels thumping the floor.
