Page 8 of Infiltration

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She relaxed and opened to the questing pressure at her entrances. She wrapped her legs around his ass, her arms around his neck, and surrendered.

His tapered shafts pressed in slowly, carefully. Kalquorian men lubricated as women did, and he slid easily for the first couple of inches, until his girth brought an ache that made Tara catch her breath. On watch for the slightest discomfort, Yuder invaded a little extra before stopping to allow her to adjust. Not fully; he knew she enjoyed the endorphin rush of a little hurt.

Tara reveled in their joining, slow as it was. It was Yuder who’d returned, but it felt like a homecoming for her as well. He was her true sanctuary, rather than the apartments where they lived and slept and loved.

He scrutinized her as he continued his gorgeous invasion, filling her until her jaw tightened in pain. Then he stopped. His ardent kisses mauled her mouth, his lust coming to the fore to leave her lips feeling bruised. When her hips shifted, urging him on, he watched her and made them one.

The impossible fullness of two cocks brought lightning-strike friction when he moved against her sweet spot. Tara cried out, her hips bucking out of her control, driving her onto him. A thunderclap of hurt met the wallop of passion. They blended in a nameless sensation of both ecstasy and agony. Tara screamed Yuder’s name, her fingernails digging at the back of his neck.

His inner beast snatched control. Fangs distended, tendons standing out, he pounded her, taking her with frightening strength. Pain and rapture grew exponentially, and Tara cried out. A dim part of her mind registered her hips rose to meet her lover’s, her body welcoming the brutal thrill of harsh lovemaking. She recognized despite his bestial expression and seeming callous rutting, Yuder was holding back, refusing to let her to come to real harm.

Then orgasm broke over her, sending her deeper into the maelstrom of primal forces beyond mere lust. Somewhere in the storm, she heard Yuder shout, felt the steady throb of his release.

Joined. Made as one. In that instant, Tara found bliss too profound to describe.

She returned to find herself lying on top of Yuder. They gasped in the aftermath, the still-iron links forging them together twitching in her. She sank in the joy of his arms around her, the feeling of their hearts beating close to each other, their damp skin melded close. She emptied her mind of all but the experience of him.

She could have spent eternity in such perfection. Life, however, was everchanging, and bliss was fleeting.

Yuder spoke into her tousled hair, refuting her beliefs. “Kitchen or dining room next?’

* * * *

Yuder watched Tara rush past the open doorway of the common room as he sipped tea on the lounger. The news vid he’d tuned the entertainment system to was muted. He wasn’t sure why he’d switched it on. A lifetime of staying current on the latest events of the empire had made the need for information a habit. It felt odd to not watch several newsfeeds at once while speaking on the com to an aide and handed up-to-the-second reports from a platoon of assistants.

Those days are behind me.His stomach knotted to recognize his uselessness.

Tara flashed past again, a whirlwind in a red robe. “How many stim tabs did you take?” he shouted after her.

“Two,” came the return shout. “Many in my future today, thanks to last night’s sexual tour of the apartment.”

Yuder grinned. His days might prove to be empty, but at least he could count on full nights.

He turned off the system and wandered to the doorway. Tara was hurrying up the hall, five handheld computer devices stacked in her arms. Yuder held out his hands.

“Thank you,” she gasped, sliding them to him. “Are you ready?”

He nodded, killing the urge to tell her he’d been waiting for her for the last half hour. She wasn’t running late, only preparing her day as the abbess of the Buddhist ashram she’d founded. She was also the interim head of Dramok Mereta’s spiritual compound. The secretary-general of the Galactic Council, impressed by Tara’s clearheaded sense and ability to respect others’ beliefs, had asked her to supervise the daily running of his sect’s headquarters. The Temple of Life, which former priest Mereta had broken from in favor of his own revelations, had a great deal in common with Tara’s faith. Mereta’s philosophy had more, and they’d established a reciprocal connection prior to his becoming secretary-general.

She wasn’t in charge of teaching Mereta’s disciples. He had ordained priests of his sect to do so. Tara merely kept New Life ashram’s administration running smoothly as she ran hers, directing Mereta’s office staff with assurance.

“I’m ready too,” she told Yuder, her smile soothing the worst of his cares. “Will you really spend the day amongst us pious types?”

He chuckled as they entered the conveyance which would take them to the bay where their personal shuttle awaited. “Don’t I have a meditation practice of my own? Besides, I’ve grown used to sitting and waiting.”

He managed to keep bitterness from his tone, but Tara shot him a worried glance anyway. “We have qigong and tai chi classes.”

He smiled reassuringly at her as the door opened and they entered the Imperial Family’s shuttle bay. “I’m fine, my love. Being in your presence is the most important thing right now.”

She slowed as they neared their shuttle, a small vessel among those scattered in the space open to the clear blue Kalquorian sky. “I should take a few days off to spend with you away from—”

“The ashrams will be among those few places where the media won’t be shouting questions at me,” Yuder reminded her. “I don’t want to be cooped up in our quarters all day…despite the enticements it offers when you’re home.”

She gave him a playful shove at the reminder of their night, blushing and laughing. “Behave. You’ll put this old woman in her grave at the rate you’re going.”

“Old? Not from what I experienced last night. By the way, do your yoga exercises today. I prefer you stay as flexible as possible.”

“Yuder!” She was shouting laughter as they sat side by side in the shuttle’s sleek cockpit. “That reminds me, I need to make an appointment to have my eyes checked.”
